Monday, August 20, 2007

Well i was tagged by Adoosh to write about the smells i like ...

1- The smell of TURKISH COFFEE : (although i don't drink it)
2-The smell of DKNY PERFUME :

3- The Melons smell (SHIMAM) :

4- The smell of SCENTED CANDLES :

5- The smell of NEW LEATHER :

i'll tag "Mnoosh ,Marams and Gemini girl " to share u the smells they like ...

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Sep. 17th " LEAVING "

it's the date that i started to hate already before it happens ..

well let me tell u about this date,it's the date when am going to leave Jordan for good ,hoe mish for good for good ya3ni bs inno 5alas am going to live there at the moment ,leaving behind my work ,my life and my beloved friends ...

leaving to DOHA , a different culture ,atmosphere and the most annoying thing is the weather .. !!!

am trying to live this month every passing minute ,even while counting am trying to make the distance as long as i can by counting how many seconds i have to stay in Jordan

ya rub marri2 hal-shahar 3la 5eir w 5aleeh yekoon 7ilo 3alay ..

Friday, August 10, 2007

20 Days and Counting ...

3aj2a,nas jayeen w nas ray7a ,bidi anzil 3l-soo2 ashtri accessorise ll-fostan ,my brova is after tomorrow for the dress ,yallah nratib el-kroot w niktob asma2 el-ma3azeem ,dana katabti hay el-oghnieh ?? sa7 hay btilba2 3la awal ra2sa , bla bla bla .......

within 2o days inshalla is my eldest sister's wedding ,counting the days ,preparing the wedding stuff and being ready for the big day ...

being busy with work at morning ,become more busy for the wedding at evening ,u can't imagine how it's beautiful to have a bride at ur house ,and i admit it that having the girls wedding is a3ja2 with a thousand times than having a groom's ..

dear sis. hope u enjoy ur new life w tc ...

w 3o2bal 3indel-3ayzeeen w lolololololeeeeeeeeesh ..

Tuesday, August 07, 2007


wallahe busy w shaf2aneh 3la hal blog elly hajirto min shee million saneh ...

inshallah i'll be back with sth. to write ..

tc all ..