Saturday, June 30, 2007

W ba3dein m3 hal-shaghleh ..

i dunno iza 3m bitseer ma3kom aw l2 ,bs ana kul ma afta7 my blog bala2i ashyaa2 kteer 2ademeh w el-ashya2 el-jdeedeh mish mawjoodeh .. !!!
even the new logs bil-chat mish mbayneh 3indi .. , is it only my blog wela heik el-kul ?? w leish heik 3m biseeer ,, ??
Plzzz help ..

Friday, June 22, 2007


loooool jad ta7sheesh , yesterday me and my sister were sitting outside b-our beloved garden :D wela bit2uli hati nitasil 3la fastlink nithabal ....

The "fastlink Customer Service Center" 1234 sar yerodo autmatic reply bs jad ishi min el-a5er ,2al bitrod 3aleik w bitbalish ti7ki inno i5tar wa7ad min hal-5ayarat w btseer ti7ki el-5ayarat w ana w o5ti 3ajabna 3aleha kul shoy ni3ji2ha ...

ba3dein bitseer ti7ki "3afwan bidi at2akad iza smi3t mnee7 " w ana aseer a7ki aaa ya5ti smaa3ik kwayes lO0O0O0l...

a7la ishi faj2a sarat ti7ki "bidak ay 5adamat o5ra ??so ana 7akeetilha "na3am" wela bti7ki "sa3eedeh b-itisalak w naharak sa3eeed .. " !!!! 7irdat el-o5t ..

u have to try it ,ta7sheeshzzz lol

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Souq Jara ..

This is a souq that opens every Friday in Jabal Amman from 9:00 AM-9:00 PM during the summer period including food, handmade stuff ,a coffe shop and a playground for the kids ....

i'll leave u with the pictures ...

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

To roo7i w bs ...

Dear Mom ..

I miss u sooooo much , u r the best mom someone can ever have , i need u always by my side ..

i love u very much ...

Monday, June 11, 2007

My Garden

sara7a that day i was reading a book "which i will write about laterzz" in my lovely garden b-darna ,anyways 6ab3an ma rakazit bil-reading wala sha76a lol ..

kul shoy yeemro2 7ada aw sayara w ana 6ab3an lazem at6ala3 w a3raf meen raye7 w meen jay ..

one of the funniest things that happened while "acting" to read ,three little girls came and stood by the door wondering what am i doing w faj2a ijo w bado yel3abo na6 7ableh exactly infront of me .. !!!

forsa mish heik t2alet el-dam ya3ni tarakto el-shari3 kullo w ma la2eeto gheir odami ,walik zee7i inti w eyaha bidi a3raf aqra2 wala hommeh hoon ...

so bil-a5er i stood up 3shan bidi ad5ol jowa wela hommeh ra7o (mish heik el-jakar ) ..

bs jad i enjoyed reading that day.. lol

Friday, June 08, 2007

My Old Writings ..

ok here's akamin writing of my own never showed them to anyone honestly ...
while i was tawjihi i needed anything just to atfashash and by then came to my head some ideas about writing to an anonymous person which i took as a lover ,so that i can talk to him and till him about all my feelings if he ever existed ...
here was my first one ..

.. في الثانوية العامة
ها أنا أستعد لإمتحان الثانوية العامة الذي يجده الكثيرون صعباً بل أقرب الى المعضلة , و لكني لا أجده أصعب من امتحان دخول قلبك و
...اختراق حواجز حياتك, لن أنسى ذلك اليوم الذي ذهبت فيه مسرعة حتى لا تستبقني الجميلات أو الرقيقيات ولا حتى النحيلات
كان يوماً عصيباً , فقد كنت أخشى الا أفوز بهذا اللقب و الذي يشرفني أن أحمله , و يسعدني أمشي فيه بكل كبرياء و فخر , هذ اللقب , لقب حبيبتك و أسيرتك و روحك التي تهواها
وقفت أمام قلبك و تنهدت تنهيدة خوف وريبة من العجز و الهوان , و تذكرت كم تعبت عيناي بالسهر للاطمئنان عليك , و قدماي بالوصول
اليك و عقلي بالتفكير بك
...هذا الانجاز الذي لطالما حلمت به و تمنيته , هاهو أخيراً يقترب ليصبح حقيقة و أقرب الى الواقع بعيداً عن الخيال
توجيهي 16/1/2003

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Break ..

i'll take a little break till i get to Amman , i have no stuff to write about , no ideas to discuss and finally bakoon ma3jooo2a b-dab el-shanati ..
yet it was a very nice month i spent in Doha ,w at the same time i got to know more places 3shan inshallah next time it will not be a vacation anymore,that'll be for good ...
i will miss who always writes on this blog for a while,keep on commenting and chatting 3shan ajy w an3iji2 b-kotrit-hom (2al ya3ni) ..
w arooo7 a rja3 bil-salameh ..:D

P.S. ma la2eet soora l-passport Jordan -->no comment on the picture plzz..

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Chinese Horoscopes ..

While browsing the net w by accident i found a site about Chinese horoscopes , although am not into horoscopes aslan ,so how is it with the Chinese ones .. !!!

anyway my sign is an "OX" ,The Ox of Chinese Astrology is no bull in a china shop ,Steadfast and solid, this powerful Sign is a born leader, being quite dependable and possessing an innate ability to achieve great things. they approach projects in the step-by-step manner that serves them best, and they never lose sight of their goal. They are tireless workers who are detail-oriented and believe in doing things right the first time. (that's me yaai )

Since the Ox is smart (e7em e7em) , trustworthy, caring and honorable. If you need honest, steady and unbiased advice, call on the Ox. (so true ) If they can learn to value their own good qualities, they'll have more room in their hearts to invite others in. (welcome to my heart .. )

The most compatible match for an Ox is the Snake or the Rooster , wanna know about Ur horoscope English and Chinese check this out ..

Friday, June 01, 2007

Ya 7eeef 3l-Shogaf ...

Well that day i was walking in a mall here in doha, and i was chocked for something i saw i guess will see alot when i come to live here ...
anyway i saw a shab 7leewa or u can say "shagfeh" holding a philipeeno girl's hand w going shopping with her w kaman foo2 had buying her stuff .. !!!

b3d shoy wela hoe 3abi6ha ..:S mish 7aram hal-mashgoof yesa7ib wa7deh philipeno ..!!, mish asdi at5awat aw a2alil min 2eemit 7ada ,bs inno malhom banat el-3arab !!

i was telling the story to my brother (married) , w 2alli ino the other nationalities gheir el-3arab 6alabathom mish kteereh zayna !!! so i felt inno i7na kteeren ghalabeh w kararit karar shanee3 w sawf ataraj3 3anho 3ajilan am ajilan 2ala w hoe "am not getting married" w elly bido yeseer yeseer ...