Today is the friday 13th,it occurd before this year on april ,while browsing the net i wanted to know what the whole story is all about .. :

A Friday occurring on the 13th day of any month is considered to be a day of bad luck in English, German, Polish and Portuguese-speaking cultures around the globe. Similar superstitions exist in some other traditions. In Greece or Spain , for example, Tuesday the 13th takes the same role.
No historical date has been verifiably identified as the origin of the superstition. Before the 20th century, although there is evidence that the number 13 was considered unlucky, and Friday was considered unlucky, there was no link between them. The first documented mention of a "Friday the 13th" is generally listed as occurring in the early 1900's .
Some people are so paralyzed by fear that they are simply unable to get out of bed when Friday the 13th rolls around. The Stress Management Center and Phobia Institute estimates that more than 17 million people are affected by a fear of this day. Despite that, representatives for both Delta and Continental Airlines say that their airlines don't suffer from any noticeable drop in travel on those Fridays.
Some people are so paralyzed by fear that they are simply unable to get out of bed when Friday the 13th rolls around. The Stress Management Center and Phobia Institute estimates that more than 17 million people are affected by a fear of this day. Despite that, representatives for both Delta and Continental Airlines say that their airlines don't suffer from any noticeable drop in travel on those Fridays.
so this is the whole story , i know its not convincing but a silly theory ..
enjoy ur weekend .. ;)
4 Openions !!!:
some ppl turned now to luv the day (friday the 13th) and even some considered the number(13) their luck number :D esp. here (bs jakara)! nice post
nice post.
I was depressed yesterday :(
but today elhamdolellah :)i feel better.
have a nice day Dandooneh :hug:
marams: yes fee nas ilhom the number 13 is a lucky number,w mitl kaman el-ajanib 3indhom el-boomeh their lucky bird ..
gemini :salamtik min e-deprssion ;),w welcome to my blog .. :D
5oza3balat !
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