This week was the weirdest ! i never liked to talk alot about such issues specially here but it's ust a feminine general topic which is "Al-3arees" !!!
Am the youngest in my family , and as i mentioned in my previous post , it's been 3 years for me living in Qatar with my parents , for me 3ersan is kind of monqarideen :D which something am happy with , cause when i hear the girls stories about meeting a new person every once in a while and how you should be nice and look cute every time , it's really sooo not me !!!
so this week i got 3 at the same time !!! can u believe it , from nothing to 3 , it's kinda funny !! 2 saw me and they asked to see me again , and one is my friend's friend and she saw that we match !!
it's something new for me , at the beginning i laughed dunno why but then i thought , Am i ready ? to handle such responsibilities , am i ready to commit ?! am a bit 3aneedeh and spoiled so can i handle the idea of someone tells me dont do this and do that ?? iffft
how u know when u will be ready ?!
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About Me

- ĐàŋdŎöŅёH
- Skinny and tall as a tree !!! living and working in Qatar and soooo enjoying my life Thank god .. :)
It's been a long time since i last wrote here ,Vacation Ramadan and Eid , lot's of action , lot's of ups and downs but at the end , el-7amdellah all is good :)
so today is September 16th 2010 , 3 years ago i came back from Jordan to settle in Qatar for good , 3 years back i used to cry every now and then because i miss my friends and my normal life.
i didnt know back then that i will reach the level of "not into"Amman anymore , of loving travelling around more than anything else , and of having a multinational friends which widen my knowledge.
It's also been three years since my sister got married and am home alone living with mom and dad , i thought it will be difficult , but realized that i have the greatest old friend (mom ) and the perfect supporter at all my depression times (dad).
3 good years and waiting for the best to come :)