UPDATE: upon the tagged ppl's request ,i'l remove the tag ,into 7oreen ..
okay so the whole story ,i was reading abed's blog and he was writng about his first cruch ,we agreed to make this topic as a tag ,and i wish u all to be honest ..
come on its a very old story ,and it's ok to tell ...
So i went back for like 14 yrs or maybe more ,it was third grade when i attended a mixed school for the first time in my life ,he was so cute at that time ,cool and he even uses gel on his hair ...
it started as far as i remember when the teacher asked to sit beside him and i was like NO WAY,i was so shy and couldn't stand it how my lover is sitting beside me ...
and a whole yr passed ,almost all the class knew about US ,yes we became a good couple and he even told me "i love u " hehe ,but after all he left the school the very next yr ,so i has to have a couple of DAYS to forget about him ..
i saw him after 9 yrs ,we were tawjihi by then and having our breakfast at "al-kal7a" ,when i guy statred flirting and talking about me in a VERY loud voice "aa hay elly labseh azra2 ,hayha shil7at el-jacket ,wallah ayam " i was like haa ..
in while his cellphone rang ,stood up and started to walk near us ,i realized him ,omg its him and laughed alot , ashartilo 3shan yeeji bs ye5alis el-telephone
him : bti7ki ma3i ??
me : yes mish inta .... ??
him : aa bti3rafeeni ??
me : !!!! sho r2yak ?!
him : mish 3aref ..
me :i am dana .....
him: la2 3anjad ,mish ma32ool sho zaman !!!!!
me :btithabal ??,ma inta 3arifni min awal ma a3adna ..
him : hoe ana kont shakik
all that w hoe shakik ,so we started chatting about school days ,what we were up to ,and also remembered the 3rd grade stories ..
i tag Noura , Adoosh and Mqabbani (and plz write a real story ) ..
16 Openions !!!:
Thumbs up for your honesty!!
It's really odd to find him again and talk to him! omg lool!!
what can I say ?? I was arrogant as a kid, and I used to hate girls, refuse to share anything with them, refuse to sit next to them at school lol! even at bus, I never sit nex to girl, because I felt it was both 3aib and less boyish to do so lool!
yet I was having crush over a cartoon I don't even remeber its name.
let's see your friend's answers, Qabbani, noura, and Adoosh..hehe Im curious! :P
am always honest w in everything ..:D
well i guess now its hard to find him again,kul 7ada b-balad w other enviroments ..
lol i used to have like ur type in my class ,even till tawjhi wallah . :D
waiting for the other's honesty ..
Hala one thing please , after thank you for the tag
this is TAG or honesty Test , ma3lesh ya3ni
ba3deen , balki balki al wa7ed ma 3ando sho esmo , 3an sho yektob ?
u can consider it as a kids hinesty test :D,w hl2 bidak t2uli ur are feelingLESS ma 3indaksh masha3ir ya a5y .. !!!
iktob w farjeena :D
6ab ana already answered fel post ta3 3abed.. still im tagged?
ur answer was kinda short ,u have to write a full story and REAL ,including the feelings and beautiful memories .. :D
lol 7aseh 7ali b-7esset ta3beer ..
Walek it was in the 3rd grade!!
Ano feelings w sweet memories w ba66ee5!
awal ishi i just hate the word "walik" !!!
tani ishi mine was also in the third grade ,5alesna adoosh w ma t5af ma r7 tiwsal l-5a6eebtak :D
I like this type of stories, but you didn't say if you still found him as cool when you saw him again??
Mashkoura 3ala tag, I will do it soon inshallah:)
It was a friendly type of "Walek" :D
No seriously i dont remember! 5ala9 masheeha hal marra :)
Noura ma fee a7la min el-memories
akeed he is still cool,sar a7la kaman ..;)
Adoosh: hayni masheet-ha hal-mara w 3afeetak min el-mohimeh ...
w its ok my friend ..
loool ya dandooneh..I admire your honesty :)
Ba3dein Adoosh, lazem ye3mal tag..Iza inti 3afeeti I will re-send to him when I do mine looooooool
hehe 7abeebti inti ,yallah bidna n5ali adoosh yektob a story ghasbin 3anno :D ,sha2 am 2aba lol
answer it :)
check it out
O'7bo6!! lol
Niceee story!!!! ;>
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