Labels: Fun .., My Diaries
This weekend was just amazing ,and yes finally am having fun in DOHA , so besides the shopping for Amman part ,we went to the desert and made sth. called dune bashing ,its kinda fun ...
The car comes and pick u up from ur house to take u to this very adventurous trip through the desert ,the car keeps on going and coming and jumping ,we didnt stop laughing and screaming all the time (fdee7a ) ,the best part when u slide through the sand ,i felt like i was in a horror movie or sth. when i was walking down sliding w mabsoota 3la 7ali wela i'm stuck and couldnt get up again (SOS) ... !!!!!
I have nth. more to talk about it , because it all happens inside this jeep but it was considered as a good experience and fun in Doha ..
desert flowers (mashallah )
E7em e7em
Labels: Fun .., My Diaries
The idea is taken from the blooger "Diana" and I promised to do that once ..
So here is my Qatari mobile "using it more often " Msgs ,enjoy it ..
Labels: Fun ..
This weeek am going to be soo busy , i won't be able to do anything related to the internet neither posting nor checking other blogs ..
And we r even delaying our work till the end of the day w staying late .. .!!!!
We are having a full week trianing given by a LEBANESE again ,but who lives in jordan (finally am having someone around to understand my culture ) ....
So i'll miss u all till then , tc ...
Labels: About me .., blogging .., Qatar
Labels: About me .., Fun ..
Well i'll start posting one of my job stories ,since am working with several nationalities (Lebanese ,Palestinian ,Indian and philipeenos ) so u got to know about alot of cultures ,but the best part comes when someone out of ur country is talking about urs in happiness ...
so here's the whole story ,3 persons are going to Jordan on Saturday to take a one wk training session ,so one of the managers (Lebanese) lived before in Jordan for 6 months ,so one of the guys that are going to this training asked him about how's every thing's going there .. so he (the Lebanese ) started to talk about Amman and the lovely weather and how everything is beautiful and gr8 and he told them that u r going to love this country ..(e7em e7em)
i was hearing them and smiling in happiness and pride ,halooo u r talking about the place where i grew up in ...:D
i really love Amman and miss it alot ,Allah ye7meeha ,am really proud of being a part of it ..
Yes am finally declaring it to the whole world ,am EMPLOYED ...
Labels: About me .., My Diaries
Labels: Fun ..
UPDATE: upon the tagged ppl's request ,i'l remove the tag ,into 7oreen ..
okay so the whole story ,i was reading abed's blog and he was writng about his first cruch ,we agreed to make this topic as a tag ,and i wish u all to be honest ..
come on its a very old story ,and it's ok to tell ...
So i went back for like 14 yrs or maybe more ,it was third grade when i attended a mixed school for the first time in my life ,he was so cute at that time ,cool and he even uses gel on his hair ...
it started as far as i remember when the teacher asked to sit beside him and i was like NO WAY,i was so shy and couldn't stand it how my lover is sitting beside me ...
and a whole yr passed ,almost all the class knew about US ,yes we became a good couple and he even told me "i love u " hehe ,but after all he left the school the very next yr ,so i has to have a couple of DAYS to forget about him ..
i saw him after 9 yrs ,we were tawjihi by then and having our breakfast at "al-kal7a" ,when i guy statred flirting and talking about me in a VERY loud voice "aa hay elly labseh azra2 ,hayha shil7at el-jacket ,wallah ayam " i was like haa ..
in while his cellphone rang ,stood up and started to walk near us ,i realized him ,omg its him and laughed alot , ashartilo 3shan yeeji bs ye5alis el-telephone
him : bti7ki ma3i ??
Labels: About me .., My Diaries
يصادف اليوم الذكرى ال90 لصدور وعد بلفور، حيث تعهدت الحكومة البريطانية في الوعد بتأسيس وطن قومي لليهود في فلسطين
: بديت اليوم افتش عن أساس هالوعد و طلع معاي الآتي
كانت هناك مصالح مشتركة ذات بعد استراتيجي لاصدار هذا الوعد، ففي الأساس كانت بريطانيا قلقة من هجرة يهود روسيا وأوروبا الشرقية الذين كانوا يتعرضون للاضطهاد، حيث كان بقاؤهم في بريطانيا غير مرغوب فيه و كان لا بد من ايجاد مكان اخر يهاجرون اليه دون أن تثير هجرتهم اي مشاكل ، و لن تبرز هذه المشاكل إذا وجد وطن لهم يتم الاعتراف به قانونيا وطنا يهوديا ، كان بإمكان بريطانيا التدخل لمنع تهجير اليهود من أوروبا الشرقية، إلا أنها وجدت أن لها مصلحة في توظيف هذه العملية في برنامج توسعها في الشرق الأوسط، فحولت قوافل المهاجرين إلى فلسطين بعد صدور الوعد ، وقامت بتوفير الحماية لهم والمساعدة اللازمة
:نص وعد بلفور
وزارة الخارجية "
في الثاني من نوفمبر/ تشرين الثاني سنة 1917
عزيزي اللورد روتشيلد
يسرني جداً أن أبلغكم بالنيابة عن حكومة جلالته، التصريح التالي الذي ينطوي على العطف على أماني اليهود والصهيونية، وقد عرض على الوزارة وأقرته:
"إن حكومة صاحب الجلالة تنظر بعين العطف إلى تأسيس وطن قومي للشعب اليهودي في فلسطين، وستبذل غاية جهدها لتسهيل تحقيق هذه الغاية، على أن يفهم جلياً أنه لن يؤتى بعمل من شأنه أن ينتقص من الحقوق المدنية والدينية التي تتمتع بها الطوائف غير اليهودية المقيمة الآن في فلسطين، ولا الحقوق أو الوضع السياسي الذي يتمتع به اليهود في البلدان الأخرى
وسأكون ممتناً إذا ما أحطتم الاتحاد الصهيوني علماً بهذا التصريح.
" المخلص شيعة آرثر بلفور
...شو ضل نحكي اكتر من الله يهدهم و ترجع فلسطين النا
Labels: Copied materials .., Dates ..
Labels: Fun ..
I first read about this movie in Noura's blog, and i liked the story and how brave was Nadine to cast such a movie , The film got so famous that it participated in Cannes festival (March-2007) , and was sold up to 35 countries including US and major European countries.
So what made me talk about this movie ,is that they are showing it in Jordan and UAE cinemas by the end of this week ,Oct.25th ,and i was so sad to know that ,because in Qatar it'll be either late to be showed or never will be ... some facts while shouting the movie :
Labels: Copied materials ..
Have i ever told u about sama (سما) , Hala 's younger sister ,going to be 7 months old on November the 2nd ...
So let me tell u about sama's nick name which is "toto" LOL ,yes as u read ,well the whole story started when my sister used to call her soso , and since 7ala doesn't know how to pronounce the "S" letter so she calls her "Toto " and her we began to call her with this nick name ..:D
Labels: About me .., Fun ..
so what about u ??
Labels: 6ag 7anak .., Fun ..
"Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem ", thats how Ali starts his posts in his own blogs ...
OR "Asalam alaikum" is his greeting when he receives a msg from u on the facebook or wherever u can contact him ..
I liked this guy so much especially when i sent him a msg via facebook (hayo 6ili3 mofeed) , how it was a challenge for him to get into Islam ...
Am not going to talk much about him ,am just asking u to visit his blog and see his videos and u can see how "lisa el-denya b-5eir " and thanks god Islam is still surviving all around the world ..
Check his blog ,including his videos "http://ummahfilms.blogspot.com/"
Labels: Copied materials ..
May this Eid holds the happiness ,
Gives you peace in ur HEART ..
Warmth in ur SOUL ...
Joy in ur HOME ..
And may u always be blessed with priceless treasures ...
Eid Mubarak w Fi6r sa3eeed ...
Labels: Occasions
El-zaha2 bi3mal 3amaylo ,and that what happened to me the last 3 days ,i started to enter a lot of blogs and reading them starting the day they submit to the blogsphere till these days ...
I liked the way how a blogger (mish adreh atzakar meen hieh) wrote about her bus tales ,and i thought why wouldn't i do the same thing but discovered then that i started this blog ba3id ma ba6alit arkab buses b-4 months .. !!! , liked Diana's idea how she has the courage to write about her mobile inbox (and i may do the same post ) ...
Something lovely also stopped me ,how Mqabbani writes topics about Jordan while he's originally from Syria .. :D , i love the way Mnoosh talks about everything related to Palestine as if she really lived all the stories since el-nakbeh ...
The way Amjad writes about Lebanon as if it's his lover .. , reading Adoosh's blog makes u laugh sometimes and know more about him with his "bas el-7ay" posts lol w i was soo happy to know him in real life ..
Was chocked to find a blog like this for a Gay (entered by mistake) , and have to get an invitation to enter Nostalgia's blog .. !!! (weired)
Funny blogs was this lady's , talking about hoe She find it very normal to be 31 and not married yet (thumps up ) .... , Noura loves fairouz w btid7ash7a almost in every post .. :D
and lots w lots of bloggers in this sphere w jad iktashafit facts w shaghlat ma kont 3arift-ha ,enjoy exploring new blogs ...
Labels: blogging .., Fun ..