Last week i was talking to my friend in jordan,we stayed over the phone like an hour and half , we laughed alot chatted about almost everything ..
this friend i met her in my first year in university , after 1 year i moved to another university ,bigger and more reputable university but stayed visitng them the whole time and even getting closer to everyone ..
we rememberd how me and her used to be well known in university as the tallest , social and most fun lol , i have to admit that no one regretted being our friend , we were loud and making a remark in every lecture we take togather , in one of our mutual lectures she used to sneeze in a particular time ,even some ppl used to look at their watches when she do so lol ..
we talked about how we are getting older day after day , 2 friends of ours got married , 1 engaged whose completing her masters , the other is pregnant and so on ... , although we are still talking to each other but still , i miss the old times when we always used to make fun activities go to Hashem for breakfast or KFC for a Fancy lunch ...
those were the days my lovely 10 female friends ...
- 6ag 7anak .. (21)
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About Me

- ĐàŋdŎöŅёH
- Skinny and tall as a tree !!! living and working in Qatar and soooo enjoying my life Thank god .. :)
I admit this is a boring post ,but there's nothing to write about except boredom !! Enjoy ..
- boredom is the feeling that everything is a waste of time; serenity,that nothing is.~Thomas S. Szasz~ (waste of time is boredom !! thats new )
- When I get real bored, I like to drive downtown and get a great parking spot, then sit in my car and count how many people ask me if I'm leaving. ~-Steven Wright ~- (that makes me more bored !! )
- The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity. ~Dorothy Parker~ (who wants to be cured from curiosity !!! )
- In order to live free and happily, you must sacrifice boredom. It is not always an easy sacrifice ~Richard Bach ~ (sacrifice boredom !!! )
Labels: 6ag 7anak ..
So for you my friend amineh i got the proof, finally now u can believe me...

PS. i discovered that banzeen is cheaper than water lol
Labels: 6ag 7anak .., Fun .., My Diaries, Qatar