I was checking my friends' notes on his facebook profile and he asked some questions about this lovely site .. 

Sooo facebook addicts (talking about meen )
What if FaceBook is no longer free ... if you have to pay about 5 JD or 25 QR. per month?!
What if u wake up one day, and u find out that ur account was deleted for technical reasons?!
What if u wake up one day, and u find out that ur account was deleted for technical reasons?!
What if you wake up , and find out that there is no longer FaceBook??
mmm guess i'll pretend to be ok with it for a while ...
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What if your work forbidden the access to FaceBook, so you can't check during your work ?? "i guess 90% of people who are reading this note, are in their work now :)"
What if we were watching your favorite program on the T.V., and you got a message on your mobile that you got a lot of comments on your photos on FaceBook, what you'll do?!
What if they let you choose between FaceBook or your account Hotmail?! you choose what?!
Hotmail akeeeeed ..
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What if you have an internet problem at home, you will wait till they fix ur internet to check your FaceBook or you will go to afriends place, or to an internet café?!
so what about u ??
10 Openions !!!:
"What if FaceBook is no longer free ... if you have to pay about 5 JD or 25 QR. per month?!"
its like impossible to happen :)FREE is fact attach to face book ,
"What if u wake up one day, and u find out that ur account was deleted for technical reasons?!"
its will be a nice move to stop my addict to it :D
"What if you wake up , and find out that there is no longer FaceBook??"
its the life :D
What if your work forbidden the access to FaceBook, so you can't check during your work ?? "i guess 90% of people who are reading this note, are in their work now :)"
hmm , well as i know it is forbidden in many companies like , blogs , all enjoy it offwork time
"What if we were watching your favorite program on the T.V., and you got a message on your mobile that you got a lot of comments on your photos on FaceBook, what you'll do?!"
hehehe this will not happen with me , i dont watch TV usually
"What if they let you choose between FaceBook or your account Hotmail?! you choose what?!"
ma betla3lhom eah sho had
"What if you have an internet problem at home, you will wait till they fix ur internet to check your FaceBook or you will go to afriends place, or to an internet café?!"
hehehe i will go to net cafe to check my BLOG ,
ba3deen all this Q's when u wake up ?
hmm i sleep as max 5 hour's so i might wake up before u do so i might ala7eg 7ali :D :D
Never used it and never will!
lol qabbani ,u r more addicted to the facebook than me ,thank god am not the only one here ..
adoosh :its almost useless but since my favourite hobbie is taking pictures of anything around so it becomes usefull to me :D
not really i addicted to my blog more :)
facebook just to keep updated with friends , though here most companies blocked messengers and blogs so far facebook the only thing open :)
hehe most friends in facebook is bloggers :D,
seek my name and see them :P
have a nice day
"facebook just to keep updated with friends "
thats the point .. :D
Not that was my point. It's that I never trust anything that asks for my personal email password!
And that applies to all the social networking things like faceBook, hi5,..etc..
Better safe than sorry :)
mmm fekra bardo ma 5a6rat 3la bali .. :D
yallah sho bidna ni3mal ,sorna addicted w 5alasna ..lol
I don't use facebook :-) shooo asawy
Hi dandooneh, whats ur username there? :P
amjad : mish 3arfeh sho a2ulak ,bs ma32ool nkon b-3aser el-ta6awor w ma tista3milo lol
Gemini : ba7keelik eyah bs nshoof ba3ad soon inshallah :D
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