Have i ever told u about sama (سما) , Hala 's younger sister ,going to be 7 months old on November the 2nd ...
So let me tell u about sama's nick name which is "toto" LOL ,yes as u read ,well the whole story started when my sister used to call her soso , and since 7ala doesn't know how to pronounce the "S" letter so she calls her "Toto " and her we began to call her with this nick name ..:D
Yesterday me and my sister were chatting and viewing the webcam ,when she was holding sama and she was -far6a 3la 7alha ,i asked my sister sho malha sama ?? She said that she's pressing the keyboard buttons with her tiny feet ,a
nd i was like 7ayati ma a6yabhaaa ...

and then she was pulling 7ala's hair ,when she got mad and shouted "3asas" ="5alas" LOL ..
I can't wait wait till she starts talking and walking as 7ala ,and to play with each other ,i really miss the girls ....
8 Openions !!!:
mashallah :)
she's so cute :)
nice name
Allah yi7meeeha w aykhaleeha
I adore kids >> specially 1 to 3 years old girls .. they are so lovely
qabbani: thanks ,and yes she's so adorable ..
thank u ,w bs from 1-3 yrs elly bin7abo ba3dein biseero zin5een w they're always like "ma ilik da5al ,sho hada ,leish 3milto heik " hehe
aah mazbooot
بس بعدين لما يكروا و يصيروا 22 برجعوا أمامير أكثر من أول
yaa akeed aslan 22 a7la 3omr .. ;) emm w 32 i guess .. lol
Isn't Sama is such a pretty name??
my daughter's name is Sama, but she is much much much older than your niece!
yes summer its a gr8 name,god bless ur daughter ..
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