My eid vacation was the best ,started with sickness , proceeded with joy and happiness and ended with tears ...
Since day 1 the adventures began it was "wa2fet 3arafeh" we arrived Jordan at 3 PM ,while we were having our "shawerma el-day3a "
, my sister called and her daughter was in the emergency so we went in a hurry to the hospital , while i was standing talking to my sis. i fell down from the tiredness ,so they removed the little gurl from the bed and put me instead ..
,it was soo funny that everything happened in "leilt el-3eid" ..!!!
The eid came i was so happy to spend it with family and friends but didn't take care of myself from the cold so the very next day i caught a cold and stayed sleeping the whole day !!!
But after that all my activities began ,and the active DANA is there again , breakfasts ,lunches and dinners almost everyday ,even my parents were kidding me once and they invited me to lunch in our OWN home
The best part is ppl were considering me lucky for living and working outside Jordan ,i know its getting expensive but i wont leave it if it was my choice ..
i really had fun there ,my sisters daughter used to tell me "dana dalli 3inna ma tsafri doha"
, i really cried when she said that .....
I don't have much to talk about , but it really was the best 10 days EVER and sry for everyone i couldn't contact or meet but plz forgive me i was really buzyyy ...
11 Openions !!!: glad that you got well quickly and enjoying your vacation :)
I wish a happy new year and inshallah in the future our home countries will improve on every level so we won't be forced to leave :)
Like the new look :D
Hey! 7amedelaa 3ala el salameh!!
keef the new amman bas ? :P
Hope you enjoyed it!
Happy new year :)
Noura:allah yesalmik sweets, i really enjoyed ..
same to u and ur family ..
i guess the new look is soo famenine and not me at all . :)
Maher: i enjoyed el-7amdellah ..
new amman is SOO expensive,mish tabee3i ..
same to u ..
3eid sa3eed 3al nass elly 6allo :9ofera:
Salamtek ya rabb, w glad u enjoyed your vacation..
Happy new year..
happy holidays
and salamtek. It's always great to be back and take advantage of every moment spent in the country you love, and for sure must have enjoyed it no matter what happened.
i am glad to hear that you had fun .. inchalla dayman ...
yalla bokra lamma titjawazi bti7ki hadool the best 20 days ever :-)
Adoosh:i really owe u an apology and am really sry i couldnt pass by bs jad i was busy ,hope to c next zyara ..
Diana: welcome to my blog,yes spending some days in my country worths yrs in others ...
thanks for passing by ..
Amjad: thank u 3l-comment ,bs akeed min hoon l-atzawaj r7 yeeji ayam tanieh a7la inshallah ..:)
inchallah yeeejo 10 a7san w ba3deeen 20 a7san .. bass diri balik tit3awadi 3al ayyam il 7ilwaaa ... bitbatil 7ilwaa ba3deen :p
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