When i went all over the blogs i found that everyone was writing about the yr 2007 and what achievements they did ,so i thought about my 2007 and i found that it was full of success starting from January till December al-7amdullilah ..

On earlier time of this year i really achieved a good goal , i finished my bachelors degree (no draseh anymore )
, isn't that a great feeling ..
the same month my sister got engaged and ready to prepare a new wedding , becoming the only single in the family
2 months later i found the worst job ever ,but it was a temhsyet 7al for 6 months till i move to Doha , the very next month my sister received a new beautiful baby ( sama ) the calmest and most peaceful baby u'll ever meet (mashallah)
On May, my blog absar el-noor ,and i met most of u lovely bloggers who became more than friends and knowing each other by mail , the next three months were the last FULL summer i will spend in Jordan
Busy august came and gone so fast , there we started preparing for my sister's big day and packing for MY LEAVING DAY ,it was soo hard on me to transfer from a country to another leaving everything behind , friends ,lovely moments and Amman itself ..
Although it was a VERY boring 2 months i spent jobless but at least i met great ppl in my new job on November , and finally i spent a great December with my family and my beloved ones and enjoying the EID in Jordan ...
6 Openions !!!:
The only single in the family? Allah yeb3atlek 3areees sooooon ! looool
Happy new year dear :)
well thats a good da3weh but am always telling ppl that am single and NOT looking .. lol
same to u ..
First of all, Inshallah 2008 will continue to be good to you and wish you more success and happiness..
You are so very cute and sweet,why you said in your reply on the previous post that your new blog look is feminine and not you?? I think the flowers you picked and the pink color show a very sensitive personality :)
Noura: first of all , i wish u a great yr w better than the previous inshallah ..
and thanks alot for the very sweet and cute comment,actually i am sensetive but not in a feminine way ...
i always cry for anything ,sth. like emotional .. :)
Happy New yearrr!
Same to u batool ..
Welcome aboard
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