- 6ag 7anak .. (21)
- About me .. (25)
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- My Diaries (23)
- Occasions (9)
- Qatar (8)
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About Me

- ĐàŋdŎöŅёH
- Skinny and tall as a tree !!! living and working in Qatar and soooo enjoying my life Thank god .. :)
it's an egyption band , i used to hear about them since i traveled last year to Egypt and listened to few of their songs , but when my friend ezz was here he sent me most of their songs and some of them aren't released since he's the band manager !
فكرت انه لحالي عندي هالمشكلة لأني عايشة برة الأردن ، بس طلع حتى اللي فالأردن نفسهم بعانوا منها ،ما بعرف لأي مدى ممكن تكون مشكلة وجود حدا بحياتي غير جنسيتي ، لما كنت بالجامعة و عايشة بعمّان كانت شلتنا و معارفي و قرايبي و محيطي كله فلسطينية و افكر انه لااا مستحيل اخذ واحد الا يكون فلسطيني.
بس لما اجيت على قطر و تعرفت على جنسيات تانية ، اكتشفت انه ممكن يكون لبناني ، سوري ، مصري , مغربي أو بالأبسط مش فلسطيني بس هات اللي يقتنع اذا رجعت فيه على عمّان في يوم من الايام . ما اسمع الف تعليق و الف كلمة و كيف تركتي اهلك و بلا بلا بلا
اكتر اشي بعجبني بالاجانب انهم فليكسيبل ، ما بهمهم الا الشخص و مين هو ، لا ابن ابصر مين ولا عايش بأي حارة ولا شو جنسيته.
و بقلك ليش العرب متخلفين !!!
يعطيكم العافية ...
You can't have everything....where would you put it all?
Mohammed Ezz my Egyptian friend (whom i met in morocco forum ) was very excited to come to qatar on April , me and him were counting the days on facebook , prepared myself and took a day of to tour him around Doha and couldnt wait till the day comes.
he's coming to give a session , more of a workshop to students aged 14-24 years old about Blogging as he's a blogger himself ,and how it might do a change in our life.
through my work , the charity and activities manager in VF sent me an email of a workshop happening in qatar this weekend and when i read the email it sounded familiar to me , i immediately checked the program that Ezz sent me and taraaaaaaa we are taking part for the same workshops but in different positions !!
what a lovely coincidence !! and a small world is it ?!
ezz welcome to Doha :) you can follow him on