i was discussing it with some friends on fb , they said that what he did goes under "suicide" and we shouldn't be proud of that in our religion , i told them that here we are proud of the idea itself what made to the Arab world
W allah a3lam ..
- 6ag 7anak .. (21)
- About me .. (25)
- blogging .. (18)
- Copied materials .. (12)
- Dates .. (6)
- Fun .. (27)
- My Diaries (23)
- Occasions (9)
- Qatar (8)
- Reading .. (2)
About Me

- ĐàŋdŎöŅёH
- Skinny and tall as a tree !!! living and working in Qatar and soooo enjoying my life Thank god .. :)
Today and after 2 weeks of waiting , i got results of my IEALTS test , for those who dont know what it is , it's just likfe TOFEL or simply an english test when you apply for universities , i was supposed to score in 4 sections (reading ,writing , listening and speaking ) 6.5 at least in each section , but unfortunalty i missed one of them and got overall 6 !! ya allah it was such a day ...
At work i got the news late , so i left with a sad look on my face but no one really noticed , they thought it's weekend probably and am too tired to talk or do anything , on my blackberry didnt really know what to write i ended up with "قل لن يصيبنا الا ما كتب الله لنا " , cause i really blv in such time , phrases of Quran says it the best !
what made the situation worse , is that i wanted to tell my friend about it , he was also dissapointed since yesterday and doesnt want to talk , so he only said "Mabrook" ,so i felt more sad cause he couldnt help and made things WORSE !
at home mom and dad were really supportive and didnt show me any signs of "Wow that a big deal" ,it's just that u can repeat it w khlisna !
and now my stomache hurts cause i was mad the whole day :((
i hope tomorrow will be better inshallah
جمعة مباركة مقدما

and you can get a discount :D
It's been ages since i last wrote here , i went through my drafts and found this ,it was about a vacation to Amman 2 years 6 months a 2 days ago to be exact !! sometimes i wish i still have this excitment to Amman before visiting any other country but now i say
Dear Amman , with all my respect , you suck !
Guess who's coming to enjoy a great week of ramadan in beloved AMMAN ,yes its meeee yaaay and i cant belive it , ok u may all think that its not worth the 3ajga am doing for only one week , but come on its amman ppl , and am spending a full ramadani week with friends and family !!!
Any plans ? no not yet , since always my plans "taboo2 bil-fashal" so i prefer not to do any and just wait till i get the proposals of outings from my great friends ..
So - September 11th will be the day (i know wut u are all thinking ) - 6 days till i'll be in my lovely house , great garden and beloved city.
enjoy the holy month people ..