I remember when i joined my company i was soo happy to use every and each site i want , but lately that became impossible to do, why ?? cause they are blocking sites and they only wants us to use the company's site as in work work work and do nothing else !!!!!

One of these BLOCKED sites is facebook ..!!!( of course ) Poor me , since am almost addicted to it and even contacting ppl though more than MSN , and now no chatting anymore !!! its really annoying , today we tried one of the proxy sites and it worked BUT as an interface only (shim w la tdo2 ) ino u cant add any applications, hard to view ur friends list and no msgs !!!
As i was telling my colleague at least u feel comfortable when u see the homepage . :D
Other sites are blocked too , i discovered today that youtube.com is also joining the list , common u r removing all the fun parts and keeping the boring stuff !!!
so plz Bloggers don't use youtube again in ur postings to let me at least have an idea wut ur topic is talking about ...
15 Openions !!!:
I know... that leave little room for fun but most of work policy even here are strict regarding the use of the internet.. We have the same rule, add to it personal e-mails are also mamnou3 looool
This makes people spend more time looking for other ways to visit blocked websites ..
But I think many people abuse Internet at work ...
Same here, they are blocking facebook and youtube, but they do have good reasons... we overdid it :D
oh man!!! that sucks. Make sure you show them theirs no difference in your work efficency mshan to prove them wrong for blocking it lol
ofcourse thats a good thing to do..no?
mo el mafroood teshte'3lo there ? eh lol
bas eza am not wrong..my friend knows a away to play around these stuff..
efftt....tell me about it :(
welcome to my daily frustration :@
For9a to do some work sett Dana :ch:
Actually this is the way it should be, the company (any company) is not paying for its internet connection for you to blog, facebook, or chat!
Specially facebook since it's really addictive..
At our office you can pass by any girl's desk at any givem moment during the day and you have a probability of 99.95733% she's facebooking!
Once the connection was really bad and the manager came asking us to plz stop facebooking till it gets better as it's consuming a lot of the bandwidth, or he'll block it. Hearing that, the girl's went CRAZY about it!
am glad we still have MSN and e-mails :D ,bs forsa ma a7sid 7alna ...
thats soo true ,we've been looking for more usefull sites to help us access blocked ones :D , at my previous work we used to have outlook only so hoon shoy a5af bala ...
yes we really over do it ,me and my collegue used to play games using these silly applications (thats too much isn't it :p )
welcome aboard ..
loool thats soo funny ,well once the internet was out of service and we got it back everything was sudenly unblocked w min far7etna we were working on the facebook more than anything else (i guess this was a test for us) so again back to BLOCKING...
my friend used to do so,bs it becomes so embaressing if we keep on looking for any way to unblock it ,ino ist7o 3la damkom shoy w ifhamo :D
Yes isn't frustrating ,and when u wait for sth. u dont have the chance to check until u arrive home ,and we are talking here about almost 9 hours work +8 hours sleeping :P
loool adoosh aham ishi el-girls ,yes i can see that at eman's also ,but it really reduces the speed of the connection,
dont forget that all our services online and we cant work without internet for one second ..!!!
ya 7aram ya dandoneh.
ma3hom 7aa2 lool but at least u can blog ?!!
this is good :D
shofti sho 3imlo fyee :(
exactly at least i have the blogspot and others related wela kan motet !!!
i know this feeling (6)
i used to block sites like this off
from 200 users in my previous work (6)
ah nseet a7ki
zab6i el-admin (6)
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