Noura tagged me , and i've been a little bit late going through most of the blogs and see wut i can write about my 6 things to do before 18.

1- Braces ..
i really recommend wearing teeth braces before the age of 18 since u feel a childish and will never try to wear them afterwords.

2- Bad Habits ..
learning bad habits young will remain with you your whole life and one of these which i really hate is SMOKING ,i guess even if u learned it after 18 u will not be stick to it as much as u started earlier.

3- Good Habits ..
On the other hand learning good habits as praying "as Amjad mentioned before" and fasting the whole month of Ramadan is such a great thing to learn before the age of 18 to get used to it .

4- Working ..
have i ever mentioned before that i worked as a part time job before i joined the university ? as a birthday planner .. , well i really advice everyone to do that so Ur personality will definitely become stronger .

5- Live alone..
well i lived before and after the age of 18 with my sisters while my parents lived in Doha ,it was really a great stage in my life,u learn how to be responsible towards everything and take more care of urself .
4 Openions !!!:
Wallahe this is the nice tag ever lol
you got the right things in this tag Girl!
Way to go!
bas live alone? :s
i really really wanna try it! darn!
thanks 3l-compliment wallah :D
living alone is the best bs its a BIG responsibility wallah ..
Bravo 3leiki you came up with many good points..So, why I totally blanked out,I have no idea loool
I like #4 and 5 they truly make a big difference in the shape up of a person and at the same time they either make or brake him or her for life, depending on how they deal with the freedom that comes with living alone..
Thank you so much 7abibti for answering the tag :)
thanks noura ,these 2 things really make a VERY big difference in the person's life ,strong personality and biiiiig responsibilty
welcome sweets ..
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