Since i really out of ideas to write about these days and busy the whole day , even at nights i really have alot of work to do ..
so i went through some of my drafts (i guess everyone has UNcompleted articles not posted ) so i decided to post them here all togather since in every posting i get lost at a point and didnt complete it ,so here we goo ...
Modeling ...
in the past few yrs i wanted to be a model , i asked my mom she was chocked inno it's not from our beliefs and ideas and i felt that wut am thinking of is almost impossible .. :D
lol anyways almost ra7at el-fekra min bali ,so once i was watching a show talking about the models life w oh my god 3la el-ashiaa2 ely bi3maloha ..!!!
1-They have to eat specific kinds of food w sometimes they r nothing !!!!(w btw fee nas mato min wara hay el-shaghleh)
2- your size has to be MAX. 4 uk !!! Wut the hell ... !! are they insane .. !!
so rji3t l-3a2lati after all w 2ult 5aleeni akul ad ma bidi wala kul hal habal w thanx god am satisfied with wut i am ..
lol anyways almost ra7at el-fekra min bali ,so once i was watching a show talking about the models life w oh my god 3la el-ashiaa2 ely bi3maloha ..!!!
1-They have to eat specific kinds of food w sometimes they r nothing !!!!(w btw fee nas mato min wara hay el-shaghleh)
2- your size has to be MAX. 4 uk !!! Wut the hell ... !! are they insane .. !!
so rji3t l-3a2lati after all w 2ult 5aleeni akul ad ma bidi wala kul hal habal w thanx god am satisfied with wut i am ..
Freedom ...
i wanted to afadifid 3la a5er hal-nhar ..
Have u ever hated freedom ?? well thats wut i do now i hate being free to do wut ever i want ,before a couple of mintues sth. happend with dad ,and if other father faced the problem am very sure that he won't deal with it as my father did ..
he is soo calm ,ya jama3a nifsi yesari5 3alay ,ye7asisni inni ghala6 ,yebayenli inno am not always free ...(not completed)
My Best Friend's Wedding ...
Of course am not talking about the movie here ,but my best friend herself ...
last week was full of ocassions and for sure am missing them all
,i had an engagment party ,2 days later a jaha and last thursday was the third ocassion am missing and probably the most important of them all ,My Best Friend's Wedding ...
i used to phone her almost everyday the week be4 her wedding . and she were like "meen bido yefeye3ilna el-3ors ya dandoon (they used to call me em 3aj2a ) , w meen bido yedal a3ed 3indi yerfa3li ma3nawyeeti (am always the problem solver +rafee3it el-ma3nawyat )
w meen w meen w meeen ..
even on the wedding day i phoned her mom
itzakarit el-mathal elly bi2ul "ib3ed ti7la" am i really will do all these stuff if i were in amman ?? , wallah i felt ini kan lazem asafir min zmaan 3shan a7is hada el-i7sas ..
i recevied some of her pictures ,and got to know all the wedding details ,banaaaaat ..
i miss amman alot ,cant wait to see all my friends and beloved ones ..
i used to phone her almost everyday the week be4 her wedding . and she were like "meen bido yefeye3ilna el-3ors ya dandoon (they used to call me em 3aj2a ) , w meen bido yedal a3ed 3indi yerfa3li ma3nawyeeti (am always the problem solver +rafee3it el-ma3nawyat )
even on the wedding day i phoned her mom
itzakarit el-mathal elly bi2ul "ib3ed ti7la" am i really will do all these stuff if i were in amman ?? , wallah i felt ini kan lazem asafir min zmaan 3shan a7is hada el-i7sas ..
i recevied some of her pictures ,and got to know all the wedding details ,banaaaaat ..
i miss amman alot ,cant wait to see all my friends and beloved ones ..
That's not bad ..
Ok after all i discoverd are some of them were complete but dont know y didnt post them at the same time , yallah now they are ...
15 Openions !!!:
nice 6 in one :D
the Geek thing i got 70% ! is that bad?
looool qabbani u r SOO geeek ;)
not that bad though .. :D
loool unique post and nice idea :-)
so you thought modeling was all about "libs awa3i w kasdara" :-)
you write el dates zay el normal people mesh zay in jordan, I get confused lol. it sucks to miss a best friend's wedding :( wo about el modeling mesh shaghleh. I wasnt runway cuz aseera lol bas i did advertsiment and its so not worth it! wo shway shway they become more demanding on you.
i liked the idea myself :) afkaar ;)
and the modeling thing OMG its really a big thing and a disaster !!! <-- excuse my spelling ...
lool @ the date thing ..:P
ya that was so hard to miss a friend's wedding .. :( and now she's pregnant and also i will not be able to make it on her birth :(
at least u did something to talk about , yallah el-7amdellah 3la kul ishi .. :)
I like these shakhaabeet :)
La2 shou baddik bel modeling, haidi short term career and it takes its toll on your body and mind..You are very smart,beautiful and talented and you can excel anywhere..
I think your father trust you and trust your judgment..why you want him to be strict, and you know if he was the screaming type and the tough dad you would have wrote a post and complained about he screams all the heik?? Listen, having a calm person that deals with problems rationally is always a good thing.. Give him a hug :)
As for weddings, I missed my only brother wedding..I was heart broken.They send me a video of the whole event but it's not the same..and it made me even sadder..
Last note, it seems yesterday when you left me a comment I was editing a post at the same time..It is funny how you catch me everytime loooool
Yalla more shakhabeeeeeeeeeet :D
am always amazed from ur comments wallah ..
about modeling thing it was just a teenager dream (although i always walk a cat walk in the office :P )
thanks for the smartness comment .. :$
for dad's comment , thank god am living in na3eem compared to others ...
and ur brother's wedding !!! noway thats really hard,inshallah u'll enjoy ur own wedding ... :)
and shofti el-sodaf , although the difference in timings ..
take care and really thanks for the really great comment :)
Creative idea Dandoon, you should start a tag of it :ch:
And just in case you decide to do so, I've already deleted all my drafts :D
Am always creative mish bs hl2 :P
w it6aman i wont tag u anymore ,u never done mine :(
welcome back ..
34% that's not bad!
I got 33%, but I think I'm more of a geek. :D
according to the questions were asked i shoud be 0% geek ,they're really asking hard ones .. !!!
I enjoyed Reading Your post :)
Nice sha5abeeet ,,,, :):)
Allah ysam7ek, it was only one tag elly '3arashto :(
anywayz, you're tagged :D
Thanks sweets ,kulik zoo2 ..
Yeee i was reading the blogs w thinking about myself ino wut i will be writing if i was tagged !!!
yallah baseeta ..
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