I know that am one day late for the "BAJO" but couldnt see all bloggers write about it and me not sharing ,and as they say a little bit late better than never ..

I've always been that girl who will never imagine leaving JORDAN b-nas-ha w ahilha w the active life i was having there , but things changes w as they say "ta2ti el-reya7 bima la tashtahi el-sofon" and to be honest after leaving it now i know the real value of great Amman ...
I dont really have much to say , cant tell you really how much i miss the lousy summer nights we used to have , the kamkameh winter days and finally calm springs and winters ...
I will never forget the smell of my great university days , buses i used to take to get there , fairuz on Fanfm at early morning followed by "mohammed el-wakeel" with his famous laugh , and every mishwar comes 3l-saree3 when a friend calls me going to argeeleh coffe shops ..
ya3eeni 3la kul ishi feeki ya amman , i really miss that place and words cant describe my missings ...
9 Openions !!!:
nice post :P
it listed now
It doesn't matter when you write, what matters is that you did and you participated.
Very nice and emotional post ...
That is so true, it's the little thing that we miss the most..We remember them and we are taken immediately home and back to that time..
Very nice post dandooneh,simple yet it described exactly the feelings we all share ..
"kamkameh winter days " took right to my room :D what a feeling..
3am tgheebeh kteer, stay in touch :)
Proud to be in ur list ..
thank u ,glad u enjoyed ..
mla7za ino dayman we are online the same time :)
actually this phrase took me to the our lovely fire place , eating batata mashwyeh and kastana .
am always around bs no ideas to write about ... :)
eh shayfeh..bas ana I log in and out quickly..mitl el 7aramieh looool
I came here first left you a comment,then answered some at my blog w harabet min ba3dah..it's becoming fun and challenging..You have to keep in mind that am about 7hours back from your time..ya3ni if it is 7pm 3andik it is 12noon here..
Shou ma 3andik ideas ?? you can discuss any thought that come to mind or share a story or something you read..yalla,shiddi el hemmeh ya 2ammoura..ba3dein your style is really nice..ba3teeki el weekend istira7a bas on Monday,khalas, we'll be watching :)
It's those simple things that I miss most kaman. Especially being spontagneous and on the go..
wallah ana mabsoota ini bal2otik dayman :)
ma hoe b-sara7a am a little bit ma3joo2a w bsara7a fee kteer nas on real life iktashafit inha btiqra2 my blog so mish dayman ba2dar a5od ra7ty .. !!!
anyway inshallah i'll write sth. soon .. :)
hala wallah .. :)
sometimes simple and small stuff hieh elly btifri2 ..
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