It's just weird how people fall inlove easily , or may i say fastly !!
ok if i've been asked how many days love needs i wouldnt know what to answer , but still not that fast or easy .
they are propbably some standards to be considerd , or maybe not , as they say love blind .!!
aaa i got it now , so thats why its blind , no time or standards ?!
ok to whom is reading this , please think before u fall , and if u already did dont move fast , be wise take ur time and know how to deal with the opposite sex , dont be just like a sticky paper.
ifff khalasit
w shokran :)
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About Me

- ĐàŋdŎöŅёH
- Skinny and tall as a tree !!! living and working in Qatar and soooo enjoying my life Thank god .. :)
I dont know what to say , from where to start and how to describe my feelings !!! am soo amazed happy and sad at the same time , let's start from the minute i left Qatar .. :)
10 hours flying from Doha to Casablanca airport , very tiring for me since it was my first "long Distance " flight , non sleeping and headache the whole time but it was worth it .
with "bonjour , ca va ? labas ? " i started my morning in Casablanca airport , everything in french , and with my little knowledge of it i could manage a bit , it took me a while to find my bag and the airport was really crowded and i was almost dying from all this !!! the minute i stepped to the arrivals door i couldn't see anyone holding my name which i was afraid of , until i walked till the end there was an old guy holding the "forum's " name i attended ... :)
3 hours from the airport to Asilah driving , my excitement died !! and i lost attention of anything , i barely took pictures of the road and couldn't speack with the driver since his "classic" arabic was poor but tried hardly to understand his Moroccan accent .. !!
once i arrived the hotel it was more like a village next to the sea , they gave me a sea view room which i fallen in love with the minute i arrived :D , it was lunch time and they told me that the group is on their way .
i went down to meet everyone , i only knew 2 guys from the organizers and for my surprise they were busy and didnt come for lunch :( so a guy asked me where i would like to sit , and i squeezed myself with a Moroccan group , who were amazing but still couldn't understand a word !!
according to the schedule after that we were supposed to go to the library where the work groups should meet , and my mission should start from there , i picked a group where i saw a name i recognized from a friend and he was Jordanian as well ;) , then after that i met some people from my work groups who were really nice and we even went together to see a Moroccan house , my first day was almost over when they suggested to have Moroccan tea , but i couldn't manage to complete the night and dinner since i was fainting and fully exhausted !!!
up till now i was feeling horrible , what brought me to this place and why am i doing this !! i couldn't really cope with the people yet and am already sitting alone in my room :( , i went to sleep waiting for more of the next day ...
it was breakfast , i went down to find an Egyptian lady sitting by herself , food wasn't served yet , so i went for a walk on the sea side , then i came back and sat alone on one of the tables , a Sudanese guy came and sat with me , very kind , talked to me as if he knows me since a long time ago and telling me all about the forum and what usually happens , he told me that i missed last night's party "which i didn't know about and i still regret not being there when i see their pictures " , off to the library and then to the meeting rooms i started to know people more and more , and had the intention to introduce myself .
in lunch time our table was crowded even everyone noticed that , i was really happy , at least i can talk to people and started to have fun from that point , i finally felt comfortable , at night there was a traditional party , where everyone should represent his country , i was wearing the Palestinian scarf , i got lot's of comments on that and was soo happy and proud of it :)
2 days left , we went to tangier the next day , 5 hours of great time , people i didn't know took really good care of me and a cute guy gave me his jacket when i felt cold ;) , i will never forget that night , our group of nine people missed the bus , and started running in the street to catch it !!!
the last day came :( , we didn't want to leave each other , we used to spend almost 24 hrs togather from breakfast till late parties at night , but the moment came , and we had to leave all back home , with tears , emails swapping and facebook id's .
the next morning i had to leave to casa since my friend from work lives next to it and i wanted to spend my last day in morocco there , attended the train for 5 hours which was really a new experience for me and it was amazing .
nothing interesting happened next , touring in busy street of Casablanca and missing the group of Asilah .
Hashem , Kamilia , Hazem , Roa'a , Ahmad , Mariam , Motaz , Amr , Sara , Amineh , Hanan and all my friends who made morocco a better place to spend a good time with .
love u and miss u all .. :)
Tonight am heading to Morocco inshallah , i will face a new experiance going to meet new people and have the time to relax for a while in the moroccan bath ;)
i wanted to keep a diary of my feelings before going there so i can read it after i come back and see how i was thinking of it.
it's a forum am attending for youth and migration , 140 arabs and european will be under the same hall roof , sponserd by King Mohammed VI himself and lot's of "big heads" will attend as well.
for me it's the first time to go to such an event , and what made me more confused that most of the participants are used to it and know each other but not me !! i only know the coordinator and his friend whom ofcourse won't be soo free to be with me the whole time..
at last i wish it will be peacefull trip , fun and full of new adventures.
To be continued ...
The trailer doesn't speak much about it , but I've seen an interview with the producers today on CNN .
Gaza , Breast cancer , struggling with the occupation and showing Palestinian streets in animation.
Fatenah the first Palestinian animation movie based on a true story .
Read More.

Ok that's not dala3, but I guess sometimes when all problems come at once u will suddenly BLOW!!!
so it started with a 3eedieh from dad stickled to my room door , so when I opened it the money popped into my face :) , then I got this amazing call from sisters and mom back in Jordan all singing "where I couldn't identify who's who !!! " and then off to work ...

I was planning that day to leave early , its my birthday and I need to relax , so my boss called me at the early morning to greet me so I asked him about leaving , he said he'll call me within a minute , a couple of minutes passed then he ranged again saying that he was sorry that I cant leave early since we have a training and all the team should be there , but he promised once we finish it I will leave " I was really angry cause I always knew about those NEVER ENDING trainings " so I gave up ...
then the manager came and I asked him what time are we going to take this training "which means when I can leave ?? " he said ohh Dana the system is not working properly so no training for today , and then I stood silent and I wanted to punch him in the face !!!
I was doing some work on the PC when suddenly 2 of my best friends in Qatar came in with a cake and started singing!!! For a while I was confused, didn't know how to express my feelings and what brought them here!!! It was one of the unbelievable moments!!!
I really stayed in shock for a while and still couldn't believe that they are really here in my work place!!! I knew after that my friend was making the entire training story with the manager so I would stay longer till them come!!!
But it was a happy moment after all the depression and work pressure; I really needed something like that...
Sally, Laura and Hugo you are the best :)
Am not sure if someone posted this video before , but i got really happy when i saw it ...
just like Noura when she posted "Sukkar Banat - Caramel ", now its my turn to be proud of the movie "Amreeka " since its Palestinien ... :)
enjoy watching ...
The past 2 weeks , my sister and her 9 months old son was visiting us in Qatar , i wouldn't say i tried mother hood with the total standards but i tried some stuff which made me step back and think twice of getting married and raising babies of my own .
i used to come back from work to find the greatest smile waiting for me behind the door , or trying to run away from me if i tried to chase him while crawling fast lool
Its been a while since am receiving comments from anonymous with lots of links , on daily basis !!!
i don't know till when am i going to receive them , any suggestion to stop them ? plz help ...
i started writing this post in Arabic since my English is becoming soo bad lately :) but don't know wuts wrong with my browser !! ma fee wala kilmeh rakbeh 3l-tanieh w el-post looked weird ..
anyways I've been reading lots of blogs lately without commenting , laughing getting upset and remembering Amman ALOT ...
i felt myself lifeless , always i have nothing important to write about even people stopped reading my blog because it's kinda boring ..
a while ago one of my friends came to Qatar on a business trip , he works in the UN and of course he knows lots of facts and numbers about Doha more than i do with the 11 years living here , i felt myself a 5th grader girl with his Huge amount of info , and my clueless points about it ...!!!
i always wanted to know more to have challenges in my life , whenever i don't like anything about job i simply resign cause i always think that am a girl and i don't need money or career for my future life !!!
when i first started working in Vodafone "my current company" it was full of nationality 60 to be exact and most of them has different situations and adventures in their lives but not me , i didn't even find anything interesting to talk about !!!
my wish now is to travel more , learn from friends and read as much as i can to be knowledgeable compared to my age and my mates ...
طبعاً انا دايما معروف عني انه ما ببين اني انصدمت ، بس حسيت حالي ضليت ابو 5 دقليق عيوني ما سكروا من الصدمة ، كيف يعني خاطب و مصاحب بنفس الوقت !!! غريب
مرت فترة و كل يومين تلاتة تسألني عنه بحكم انه امه صاحبة امي كمان ، و حسب ما انا بعرف انه خطيبته كانت صاحبته منذ الأزل ، طب كيف يعني ؟! ؟! ولا ماما بتقلي كتير بتخانقوا هلأ و قايل لصاحبتي "اللي هي صاحبته" انه هو ما بطيقها بس هي اللي ضلت تضغط عليه مع العلم انه التنين اعمارهم 30 يعني واعيين المفروض !!!
اجا العرس و العريس ضل يحكي مع صاحبتي لآخر اسبوع و هي ما ترد ، بتقلي حسيت انه مافي امل !!! عنجد بالله ؟! المهم رحت عالعرس ولا العريس قالب بووز اطول من يوم الجمعة و بس عم برقص مع امه و خواته و اهله و تاركها اعده عاللوج !!!
طول الوقت عم بفكر في العروس ، يابيي شو مسكينة ، او ما بعرف يمكن قوية لأنها اخدت اللي بدها اياه !!! بس برضه في اشي غلط ، عنجد كيف تفكيرهم و الحق على مين بالآخر ؟
أبيع من أجله الدنيـــا وما فيها
يا من تحديت في حبي له مدنـا
بحالهــا وسأمضي في تحديهـا
لو تطلب البحر في عينيك أسكبه
أو تطلب الشمس في كفيك أرميها
أنـا أحبك فوق الغيم أكتبهــا
وللعصافيـر والأشجـار أحكيهـا
أنـا أحبك فوق الماء أنقشهــا
وللعناقيـد والأقـداح أسقيهـــا
أنـا أحبك يـا سيفـا أسال دمي
يـا قصة لست أدري مـا أسميها
أنـا أحبك حاول أن تسـاعدني
فإن من بـدأ المأساة ينهيهـــا
وإن من فتح الأبواب يغلقهــا
وإن من أشعل النيـران يطفيهــا
يا من يدخن في صمت ويتركني
في البحر أرفع مرسـاتي وألقيهـا
ألا تراني ببحر الحب غارقـة
والموج يمضغ آمـالي ويرميهــا
إنزل قليلا عن الأهداب يا أمــلاً
مــا زال يقتل أحلامي ويحييهـا
كفاك تلعب دور العاشقين معي
وتنتقي كلمــات لست تعنيهــا
كم اخترعت مكاتيبـا سترسلها
وأسعدتني ورودا سوف تهديهــا
وكم ذهبت لوعد لا وجود لـه
وكم حلمت بأثـواب سأشريهــا
وكم تمنيت لو للرقص تطلبني
وحيـرتني ذراعي أين ألقيهـــا
ارجع إلي فإن الأرض واقفـة
كأنمــا فرت من ثوانيهــــا
إرجـع فبعدك لا عقد أعلقــه
ولا لمست عطوري في أوانيهــا
لمن جمالي لمن شال الحرير لمن
ضفـائري منذ أعـوام أربيهــا
نزار قباني
PS. my blog's 2nd anniversary was days ago ;)
I would definitely go to watch these guys if they came to Doha !!!
Enjoy watching ...
Sa7et el-shohada2
Al-mansa , where Anwar el-saddat was assassinated.
Signs above all the buildings in Egypt.
The Pyramids of course :)
The Nile from Al-Zamalik's side..Coffee shops in Al-Hussein .
Me wearing Nefertiti Head ;) hahaha
The Fir3ooni sheeshaNote that its international ;)
The Belly Dancing suits in Khan el-khaleeli.
I liked the car signs :)
I've mentioned earlier that i joined a new company , and thank god i got rid of the night mare i was before in with VERY formal look .. !!!
i know its been a very long time , but i started to feel bored from writing about me , plus there is nothing interesting happenning around till i've been to egypt for 4 days only.
one of the amazing trips i made , suddenly our work (which i have to write another post about it) gave us 2 days off , and it was a good opportunity for me to checkout new cultures , when one of my friends went on a leave to her own country Egypt.
I felt myself as if i was in a movie , everyone around me is speaking Egyption accent , it was sooo funny and amazing at the same time , i always used to read najeeb mahfouz and yousef el-sib3ai , so i was really excited to see the things i read already and seen in movies .
From el-ma3adi to Zamalik , Nile river to the pyramids and soo on .
i believe 4 days arent enough but at least i've done something fun ... :)
Hi all , remember me ?!
its been a long time , since this year i stopped writing about myself or at least a usefull subject , although i wasnt that active blogger but i used to write, read and comment ...
since the begining of 2009 i've been a bit busy , been to Jordan TWICE , yes 2 times once in January and another in February but am not planning to go in March cause i entered the phase of boredon from a city called Amman , during 1 yr and a half i've been there 6 times !!! am even living in Amman now more than Doha ...
During these 2 months i changed my current job "Again" to join a more well known company which is Vodafone , and till now am soo happy and amazed with the briliant ideas and plans they do for the team !!!
i deactivated my facebook today , just for a while ,cause i think that it brings me headache , since i removed my "Single" status , poeple thought i got engaged !!! when i put my pictures in some outing people thought i never knew how my house looks like or am not sitting at home like regular humans !! so i planned to deactivate it till some of them forget Dana and go talk about someone else till i come back .. lol
i suddenly rememberd that i have a blog that was Mahjoor and its been a long time since i didnt write or read anything of my bloggers list ...
so here i am ppl back on track with a small summary of what happend while i was away , i miss u all ..
I never knew that drama movies are good , or even indian ones , i heard about it and i tried to convince every single female in qatar to come with me and watch it , each one had a silly excuse ; ma ma3i masari , bala indian bala ham !!! i went crazy and i was like r7 a7daro y3ni r7 a7daro ...
i dont know how my broke friend finally ijaha el-faraj so we were off to the movie , i was soo excited although i was afraid yetla3 ma2lab , since i nagged alot ..
the movie was full of indians and a couple of arabs , my chair smelled like sweat , and here we started the movie of disgusting stuff ...
It was moments that showed us how real life is , where children were abused , when every second of your life is a memory that cannot be forgetten and when each person on this planet deserves to live.
we thanked god for every second we live even if we didnt have a Ryal in our pocket but we are still alive .. !!!
i recommend every one to watch this great and amazing movie ...