Was 2008 a Happy "New" Year for you? NOT for me...!!!
When I go back for a couple of months, I couldn't remember that something exciting or VERY happy happened in those 12 months, maybe a few but not many, even one of my friends call it (Two thousand and HATE) loll...
Unlike the year 2007 which was a great and full of achievements, 2008 was different!!
Let's check how horrible it was:
- Moved to a new "ugly" job and left my beloved friends
- A reality happened and still couldn't believe it till now!
- A great friend has left Doha to Lebanon for good.
- Got chocked from a lifetime friend.
- The crises that the Whole world witnessed and affected my job and company.
- Suffered from pain in the first surgery in my life.
And finally a good friend of mine got divorced!!
eish haaaaaaaaaaaaad !!!
On the other hand...
- Yousef has arrived safely.
- Spent unforgettable moments in my Beloved city 3 vacations in one year.
- knew great people who helped me to improve my personality and English language :)
That's it... lol
Hope these 12 remaining days pass safe and peaceful...
Happy 2009...
- 6ag 7anak .. (21)
- About me .. (25)
- blogging .. (18)
- Copied materials .. (12)
- Dates .. (6)
- Fun .. (27)
- My Diaries (23)
- Occasions (9)
- Qatar (8)
- Reading .. (2)
About Me

- ĐàŋdŎöŅёH
- Skinny and tall as a tree !!! living and working in Qatar and soooo enjoying my life Thank god .. :)
** UPDATE **
Check this game : http://sockandawe.com/
for those who STILL didnt hear about it , check this link http://edition.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/meast/12/14/bush.iraq/index.html?eref=edition_world
or watch the video ...
عين الباشا - أثار رفع رسوم أثمان القبور في مقبرة مخيم البقعة بنسبة 100% استياء لدى المواطنين الذين طالبوا بتخفيضها عوضا عن رفعها بهذه النسبة.وكان في السابق يتم استيفاء 25 دينارا عن القبر الواحد إلا أن دائرة الشؤون الفلسطينية رفعت هذا المبلغ إلى 50 دينارا وبنسبة 100%.وقال حسن عفانة من قاطني مخيم البقعة أن هذه الأسعار مرتفعة جدا حيث كان المتعهد يتقاضى 25 دينارا قبل أسبوع واحد وكان يجني أرباحا لأخذه العطاء على مدار السنوات الماضية.
I thought it was only me , but i was making a round trip on most of the blogs and everyone seems quite and taking a rest from Blogging ...
for me i was really busy most probably working and going shopping for my winter vacation to Jordan AGAIN (yaaay) , yes i am leaving on November 20th inshallah to spend 3 wks with the family this time, Eid el-ad7a is inclusive ... :)
i have lots of new news and discoveries i had all this long time but i wasn't really in the mood or maybe free enough to write everything.
just wanted you all to know that am still alive...
PS. Alf mabrook for Simsim w 3u2bal el-3ayzeeen
Labels: My Diaries
Guess who's coming to enjoy a great week of Ramadan in beloved AMMAN ,yes its meeee yaaay and i cant believe it , ok u may all think that its not worth the 3ajga am doing for only one week , but come on its Amman ppl , and am spending a full ramadani week with friends and family !!!
Any plans ? no not yet , since always my plans "taboo2 bil-fashal" so i prefer not to do any and just wait till i get the proposals of outings from my great friends ..
So - September 11th will be the day (i know wut u are all thinking ) - 6 days till i'll be in my lovely house , great garden and beloved city.
enjoy the holy month people ..
It's been ages since i last wrote here , i went through my drafts and found this ,it was about a vacation to Amman 2 years 6 months a 2 days ago to be exact !! sometimes i wish i still have this excitment to Amman before visiting any other country but now i say
Dear Amman , with all my respect , you suck !
Guess who's coming to enjoy a great week of ramadan in beloved AMMAN ,yes its meeee yaaay and i cant belive it , ok u may all think that its not worth the 3ajga am doing for only one week , but come on its amman ppl , and am spending a full ramadani week with friends and family !!!
Any plans ? no not yet , since always my plans "taboo2 bil-fashal" so i prefer not to do any and just wait till i get the proposals of outings from my great friends ..
So - September 11th will be the day (i know wut u are all thinking ) - 6 days till i'll be in my lovely house , great garden and beloved city.
enjoy the holy month people ..

Labels: Occasions

It was on my disk , i wanted to give it to my friend since she's originally Lebanese but holds the Brazilian passport , she was leaving Doha for good ,and it suddenly happened between a day and night ..!!
i didnt have the chance to buy her a souvenir or a goodbye gift so i decided to give her this novel which i bought a couple of days before to read it myself ..
a client of mine saw that book and read the title and the novelist's name:" oh this is the first time i put my hands on such a book ", "well it sounds interesting and i read about it in one of my friend's blog" , "ohh great"," if u wanted i'll give it to you when i finish it or so"<-- i was planning to buy another copy for him .. time passed soo fast that day and i couldn't say bye to the great friend i had in Qatar, my very close friend whom i used to share with every detail in my life , i started reading it after she left the country and i was chocked by the story and said el-7amdellah i didn't give it to my client , I'll feel embarrassed to give him such a novel .. after all am enjoying reading it and whenever i open it i remember my great friend .. i miss you lanouche ...
Labels: 6ag 7anak .., Reading ..
I know it may sound silly to some of you , but to someone addicted to facebook like it's an important issue and has to be configured out ASAP !!!
and another thing which really confused me is this one :
Labels: 6ag 7anak .., About me ..
People who really knows me , wut do u think of this !!!
Your Brain is 60% Female, 40% Male |
![]() Your brain is a healthy mix of male and female You are both sensitive and savvy Rational and reasonable, you tend to keep level headed But you also tend to wear your heart on your sleeve |
Labels: 6ag 7anak .., About me .., Fun ..
Last week i was talking to my friend in jordan,we stayed over the phone like an hour and half , we laughed alot chatted about almost everything ..
this friend i met her in my first year in university , after 1 year i moved to another university ,bigger and more reputable university but stayed visitng them the whole time and even getting closer to everyone ..
we rememberd how me and her used to be well known in university as the tallest , social and most fun lol , i have to admit that no one regretted being our friend , we were loud and making a remark in every lecture we take togather , in one of our mutual lectures she used to sneeze in a particular time ,even some ppl used to look at their watches when she do so lol ..
we talked about how we are getting older day after day , 2 friends of ours got married , 1 engaged whose completing her masters , the other is pregnant and so on ... , although we are still talking to each other but still , i miss the old times when we always used to make fun activities go to Hashem for breakfast or KFC for a Fancy lunch ...
those were the days my lovely 10 female friends ...
I admit this is a boring post ,but there's nothing to write about except boredom !! Enjoy ..
- boredom is the feeling that everything is a waste of time; serenity,that nothing is.~Thomas S. Szasz~ (waste of time is boredom !! thats new )
- When I get real bored, I like to drive downtown and get a great parking spot, then sit in my car and count how many people ask me if I'm leaving. ~-Steven Wright ~- (that makes me more bored !! )
- The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity. ~Dorothy Parker~ (who wants to be cured from curiosity !!! )
- In order to live free and happily, you must sacrifice boredom. It is not always an easy sacrifice ~Richard Bach ~ (sacrifice boredom !!! )
Labels: 6ag 7anak ..
So for you my friend amineh i got the proof, finally now u can believe me...

PS. i discovered that banzeen is cheaper than water lol
Labels: 6ag 7anak .., Fun .., My Diaries, Qatar
I always believe that everything happens for a reason ,and some people may come in and out to our lives just to make a bit of change nothing more ..
I trust that i will have my own life sooner or later, after years i will remember wuts happening around me these days and just smile like when I remember now old things from university or school, I will never regret anything happened because it just takes place in our lives and if we don't have such things life will be boring with no action or drama!!
i don't have a lot to say more than :
You'll always be in my life, Even if I'm not in your life, Because you're in my memory :)
And yes I am ok wallah ..
Labels: About me .., My Diaries
I was unofficially tagged by noura although i wanted to steal it previously from Adoosh but now i am tagged :)Here goes the rules:
1- Type your answers to each of the questions below into Flickr
2- Using only the first page, pick an image.
3- Copy and paste each of the URLs for the images into fd's mosaic maker
The questions are:
1. What is your first name?
2. What is your favorite food?
3. What high school did you go to?
4. What is your favorite color?
5. Who is your celebrity crush?
6. Favorite drink?
7. Dream vacation?
8. Favorite dessert?
9. What do you want to be when you grow up?
10. What do you love most in life?
11. One Word to describe you.
12. Your Flickr name. Try it and have fun ..
tag urselves
Labels: About me .., Fun ..
Heey , i know its been a long time since i last wrote in my Blog , but my new job is really taking me from any regular life i can live !
since 3 weeks my traning started ,seeing ppl i've never knew i will meet ,reading articles that i never would read about and using phrases never excited in my dictionary ..
my new postion and company are really tiring , there's a dress code i had to read the date i joined , containng 13 pages of Do and Dont's , starting from nails ,shoes ,hair style , earings and includes wearing "Formal suites with jackets the whole time" <-- Shoooob , "Make up " <-- yuk ! ,and finally "high heels " <-- Haloo ,l2no na2isni tool ana !!
although i miss wearing jeans and casual cloths , but still i enjoy being special during the week days , plus asting professional while talking about real estate and the new buildings taking place in Doha .. hehe "as if"
nothing much to say about my job since its been only one month , and akeed el-5eir jay l-odam .. :)
P.S. did i mention that am the only arab in Doha Branch ... :(Enjoy ur weekend BBL ..
As i was going through some blogs i remberd that i created this blog on the month of May , but couldn't exactly get the date until i got back to my very first post which was published online may 27th , so am 2 days late to celebrate my Blog's first annivarsary but "a little bit late better than never" 7ikam

Labels: Dates .., My Diaries, Occasions
this the great place where i worked for the past 6 months , it was my real bayt , we were like a family there ,each one of us was a brother or sister to the other and no one used to hate anyone else ,the best team I've worked with and will do all my life .
in Bayt i learned alot of things , other than team spirit ,i knew how to write formal letters , how to deal with bug heads , preparing job descriptions ,CVs and knowing too much information about alloooooooooot of people .. :P
I've spent this week crying , thinking and not imagining myself in another atmosphere ,specially when i met my new colleagues where all of them are GIRLS and foreign , and when i talk about foreigners it means that am the only Arab girl !!!
i will really miss my bayt , but hopefully will keep in touch with my old friends ..

Bayt heads, i love you all .. :)
Labels: Fun .., My Diaries, Qatar
My Dearest Palestine ...
i know am late as usual but i really dont know wut to tell you .
do i really miss u or its just a feeling cause am a part of u ? , do i really know you or its just the pictures i only have .. !!!
in this sad occasion i dont have much to say , but you will see me soon inshallah ,i will not be late as always i will try to be there soon , just wait for me with all my sisters and brothers ..
we will remain one day to be a part of you again ..
for you palestine ..
Regards ,
ur beloved daughter..
Its really been a long time since am posting or checking others blogs, dont know if it was because i left to amman for 4 days or was it my job since am really getting deep in my work these days or am just lazy to browse ur pages !!!
Since i have lack of ideas or stories to write about , the reason why i copied the post below from my facebook account which i recevied yesterday and i liked to share it with you ...
Enjoy .. :)
Labels: Copied materials .., Fun ..
Well here was my week full of INTERNATIONAL outings..
I started it arguing and discussing things with my Philippino team captain ,asking me if i done my weekend task "to buy him the newspaper since our company ad takes place there only on Saturdays" at the same day a Lebanese training manager came to visit us from Dubai branch whom engaged to a Palestinian guy "ehem ehem"
Then going out the other day with my Indian co-worker to have sheesha and 3arayes b-la7meh, with my recipe of adding lemon slices inside the bread..
The day after dropping my Egyptian colleague to her home since her taxi didn't come and we started chatting and gossiping about stuff happening around, yesterday i spent it with my Lebanese friend going shopping then to the cinema where we really had fun...
Finally today i went out with my palestienian-jordanian family to do some shopping and sit together..
i really enjoyed my multi-national week ..
Labels: 6ag 7anak .., Fun .., Qatar
Its been 4 days since my sister arrived Doha, she will be leavng within 10 days ..
Actually am not checking anything related to my daily habbits such as Facebook and Blogs ..
Labels: 6ag 7anak .., blogging .., Qatar
Labels: My Diaries
I was tagged by Adoosh & Simsim to write about my blog and why do i blog ...
"What is the purpose of Dandnooneh's Blog"
well i used to write a diary when i was around 10 yrs old till 14 ,then i stopped but whenever i have the chance to think about anything happening around , i go directly to writing ...
so i saw my friend's Blog "she stopped writing now :( " , and adoosh's so i really liked the idea and i felt its sth. similar to wut i used to do ,writing a Diary ..
Thanks to Samar and Andrei that made me meet great ppl ...
No one to be tagged since everyone wrote about it , am always late :D
Labels: About me .., blogging .., My Diaries
Since i really out of ideas to write about these days and busy the whole day , even at nights i really have alot of work to do ..
so i went through some of my drafts (i guess everyone has UNcompleted articles not posted ) so i decided to post them here all togather since in every posting i get lost at a point and didnt complete it ,so here we goo ...
lol anyways almost ra7at el-fekra min bali ,so once i was watching a show talking about the models life w oh my god 3la el-ashiaa2 ely bi3maloha ..!!!
1-They have to eat specific kinds of food w sometimes they r nothing !!!!(w btw fee nas mato min wara hay el-shaghleh)
2- your size has to be MAX. 4 uk !!! Wut the hell ... !! are they insane .. !!
so rji3t l-3a2lati after all w 2ult 5aleeni akul ad ma bidi wala kul hal habal w thanx god am satisfied with wut i am ..
Freedom ...

i used to phone her almost everyday the week be4 her wedding . and she were like "meen bido yefeye3ilna el-3ors ya dandoon (they used to call me em 3aj2a ) , w meen bido yedal a3ed 3indi yerfa3li ma3nawyeeti (am always the problem solver +rafee3it el-ma3nawyat )

even on the wedding day i phoned her mom
itzakarit el-mathal elly bi2ul "ib3ed ti7la" am i really will do all these stuff if i were in amman ?? , wallah i felt ini kan lazem asafir min zmaan 3shan a7is hada el-i7sas ..
i recevied some of her pictures ,and got to know all the wedding details ,banaaaaat ..

i miss amman alot ,cant wait to see all my friends and beloved ones ..
That's not bad ..
Labels: Fun .., My Diaries

Labels: Copied materials ..
i tagged myself from Batoul as 7 unique things about myself ..
1- Am taaaaaaaall and used to be skinny before i came to live in Qatar but still Sympatic ..
2-I enjoy talking in English , specially with arab ppl cause i dont want to go through stories that never ends ..
3- Am REALLY honest , i always start laughing if i was lying and it shows direct that am not saying the truth ..
4- I always enjoy anything includes IQ test,Sudoko or things related even if i dont complete them till the end .
5- Am very sensitive i almost cry on everything happens (which i really hate and its soo embarrassing )
6- I like smelling my hair evey now and then , and enjoy it
7- I always sing while shopping even if am alone , bassali 7ali ..
Feel free to tag urselves too...
Labels: About me .., blogging ..

Labels: About me .., blogging ..

Labels: blogging .., Fun ..

Labels: 6ag 7anak .., My Diaries, Qatar
I know this is an old movie (1999) but till now i really enjoy watching it everytime i see it ...
I hate the way you talk to me, and the way you cut your hair.
I hate the way you drive my car. I hate it when you stare.
I hate your big dumb combat boots, and the way you read my mind.
I hate you so much it makes me sick; it even makes me rhyme.
I hate it, I hate the way you're always right. I hate it when you lie.
I hate it when you make me laugh, even worse when you make me cry.
I hate it when you're not around, and the fact that you didn't call.
But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you. Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all.
RIP Heath Ledger ...
Labels: Copied materials .., Fun ..
Today am going to write about this great search engine and Encyclopedia (I felt that am going to give a lecture or sth. lol), anyway although there was alot of offending opinions about some of the articles in it but still u can increase ur knowledge using it, u can also find that its using 18 different languages in addition to the Arabic language site.
it has alot of sub-sites also related to the same company , discovered that while I was looking for widgets and templates for my blog and I found " http://www.widgipedia.com/" , a site specified for widgets isn't that cool .
Other related site is "http://www.wikimapia.com/ " it's the same idea as Google Earth but u can add ur own location or anything related.
And there are lots and lots of other sites hosted by the wikipedia foundation.
To know more about its history, check the following link and u won't regret it http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:About
P.S. am not paid for this post, enjoy... ;)
I have these 2 BAD habits,and yes i call them bad because lately they are really making me alot of troubles .. !!!
Labels: 6ag 7anak .., About me .., Fun ..

Labels: My Diaries, Qatar
You, do you remember me?
Like I remember you?
Do you spend your life
Going back in your mind to that time?
Because I, I walk the streets alone
I hate being on my own
And everyone can see that I really fell
And I'm going through hell
Thinking about you with somebody else
Somebody wants you
Somebody needs you
Somebody dreams about you every single night
Somebody can't breath without you, it's lonely
Somebody hopes that one day you will see
That Somebody's Me
How, How could we go wrong
It was so good and now it's gone
And I pray at night that our paths soon will cross
And what we had isn't lost
Cause you're always right here in my thoughts
Somebody wants you
Somebody needs you
Somebody dreams about you every single night
Somebody can't breath without you, it's lonely
Somebody hopes that one day you will see
That Somebody's Me
You'll always be in my life
Even if I'm not in your life
Because you're in my memory
You, will you remember me
And before you set me free
Oh listen please
Somebody wants you
Somebody needs you
Somebody dreams about you every single night
Somebody can't breath without you, it's lonely
Somebody hopes that one day you will see
That Somebody's Me
Enrique iglesias - Sombody's me
Labels: About me ..