This week was the weirdest ! i never liked to talk alot about such issues specially here but it's ust a feminine general topic which is "Al-3arees" !!!
Am the youngest in my family , and as i mentioned in my previous post , it's been 3 years for me living in Qatar with my parents , for me 3ersan is kind of monqarideen :D which something am happy with , cause when i hear the girls stories about meeting a new person every once in a while and how you should be nice and look cute every time , it's really sooo not me !!!
so this week i got 3 at the same time !!! can u believe it , from nothing to 3 , it's kinda funny !! 2 saw me and they asked to see me again , and one is my friend's friend and she saw that we match !!
it's something new for me , at the beginning i laughed dunno why but then i thought , Am i ready ? to handle such responsibilities , am i ready to commit ?! am a bit 3aneedeh and spoiled so can i handle the idea of someone tells me dont do this and do that ?? iffft
how u know when u will be ready ?!
- 6ag 7anak .. (21)
- About me .. (25)
- blogging .. (18)
- Copied materials .. (12)
- Dates .. (6)
- Fun .. (27)
- My Diaries (23)
- Occasions (9)
- Qatar (8)
- Reading .. (2)
About Me

- ĐàŋdŎöŅёH
- Skinny and tall as a tree !!! living and working in Qatar and soooo enjoying my life Thank god .. :)
It's been a long time since i last wrote here ,Vacation Ramadan and Eid , lot's of action , lot's of ups and downs but at the end , el-7amdellah all is good :)
so today is September 16th 2010 , 3 years ago i came back from Jordan to settle in Qatar for good , 3 years back i used to cry every now and then because i miss my friends and my normal life.
i didnt know back then that i will reach the level of "not into"Amman anymore , of loving travelling around more than anything else , and of having a multinational friends which widen my knowledge.
It's also been three years since my sister got married and am home alone living with mom and dad , i thought it will be difficult , but realized that i have the greatest old friend (mom ) and the perfect supporter at all my depression times (dad).
3 good years and waiting for the best to come :)
i felt that am really a bridemaid for sally , i finished up from my saloon and went to pick her up to go to the wedding place so she can have shots before the wedding outdoor , it was a hectic day but yet amazing .
back to Cairo's wedding (Sara) today is the Henna , i arrived yesterday , got my bridemaid dress done and ready to go , am really excited , since it's something new and there's a singer coming kaman for one hour (Mahmoud esseily) !! so let the party begin :)
3o2bal el-3ayzeeen ya wlaaaad ;)
yes yes am heading to Amman , blogging from dubai airport since am flying "fly Dubai" , the flight is hectic , Doha - Dubai @ 3:30 AM , then tranist in Dubai airport 5 hours , yup till 10:15 ,then off to Amman to arrive at 12:30 .
in doha airport i started reading a new book , (didnt finish yet) but i found this at home and i thought let's give it a try , my book is called "Chicago" but the arabic version for "3ala2 al-aswani " - the writer of Yaqoubian Buildings. i liked his way of writing since then and how he goes through details , i adore details.
so here i am in Dubai airport , terminal 2 , which means BORING to death , it's 6:30 UAE time which means 4 hours left ... !!! ifffffffffffffff.
I have a feeling that this summer is going to be good , actually great i have one of my best friend's wedding in Jordan and another in Egypt , where i will be the bridemaid :D and yes am heading again to Cairo this summer but a short one this time only 4 days to witness the first egyption wedding in my life .. :)
Happy Holiday People ..
I want to go back to the time when "GETTING HIGH" meant "on a swing", when "DRINKING" meant "apple juice",
when "LOVE" was "mom's hug",
when "dad's shoulder" was "THE HIGHEST PLACE ON EARTH",
when my "WORST ENEMIES" were "siblings",
when the only thing that could "HURT" were "skinned knees", when the only things "BROKEN" were my "toys",
and when "GOODBYES" only meant "till tomorrow''....

جبت معاي من مصر كتاب أحلام اكيد معظمكم قارئينوا او عالقليلة سامعين عنه
وقت اشتريته كنت بسيتي ستارز مع صديق مصري قام مسك الكتاب و صار يحكي " ازاي يعني يحظر بيعه للرجال ؟ طب انا عايز اقراه" قلتله "يا سيدي اتفضل."
فتح اول صفحة و قرا" احبيه كما لم تحب امرأة و انسيه كما ينسى الرجال" قاللي "ايه دا يا لطيف يعني احنا ما بنعرفش نحب ؟ " قلتله "يمكن مش متل المراة بس اكيد انتوا بتنسوا اسرع مننا"
عنجد هالسؤال دايما نفسي اسأله ، كيف يعني بين يوم و ليلة ببطل يرد الأخ عالتلفون و هو لسة امبارح مش عارف ينام غير على صوت حبيبته !
كيف بكون مشتائلها كتير و فجأة بصير دايما مشغول و مش فاضي يرد !!
القصص اللي كاتبة عنها احلام بتدايق كتير ، عم بقرأ الكتاب كل فترة و فترة ، و ما بنكر انه اكتر من مرة دمعت و بكيت ، لأنه جد بدايق ، تخيلت حالي مكانهن (لا سمح الله) كان اكيد انجنيت !!
يا رجال الله يسامحكم و يا بنات الله يكون بعونكم :(
الغريب بالموضوع كمان اني كتير عصبية و بصرخ عندما يلزم الأمرو لما ييجي اشي لازم ابكي عليه بمسك حالي بطريقة عجيبة و العكس
اللي خلاني اكتب الموضوع انه اليوم الصبح كنت طالعة مع صحباتي ، وحدة منهم عرسها بشهر 7 و كلنا اعدنا نحكي شو بدنا نعمل بالعرس و شو بدنا نلبس ، في وحدة معنا بريطانية بتحكي :" انا بالعادة ببكي بالأعراس " فأناا بقلها "لأ بس ما تبكي قدامي" و صرنا نضحك ، بعد بشوي سرحت و تخيلت حالي جد بالعرس و بلشت ادمع !!! يا الله
بس رحت عالبيت عم بحكي لحدا من اصحابي القصة ، قاللي انتي تبكي ما بصدق ، و على اشي سخيف !! مستحيل !! و أقوله والله هيك صار ، قاللي نفسي اشوفك مش ، هو دايما شوفني يا بضحك يا معصبة :)
صح حلو البكى ؟؟ بريح كتير بحس ...
I wanted to write a post , but i have no idea what exactly i have to write about !
Shall i tell you about egypt and how i loved this country and become more attached to it whenever i go.
Shall i tell you about a friend who we chat on msn during all the working day and all night and now am addicted to her!
Shall i tell you about the sad situation of our parents and families in Gaza and wondering till when they will keep on suffering ?
Shall i tell about a person who helped me to get over someone and now i have to get over him ! (its not easy )
Shall i tell you about the offer i rejected with a double salary of my current one because our arabic culture . ( i dont regret it though !)
Shall i tell you about my great company which keeps on surprising us with staff meetings and tranings and good bonuses everyone in a while.
Shall i tell you about how am not missing amman anymore ! and not really excited about the summer vacation !
Shall i tell you about the weddings i will attend in summer and how mom wishes everyday to see me in their lace sometimes near !
what else shall i tell you more about ?
Enjoy ...
to the people who entered my life in the right timing .
كيف يعني ؟؟ يعني كنت قاعدة بالاوتيل بستنا ناس مثلا و للاسف هناك الواعيد مضروبة رسمي !! يعني توعد حدا الساعة 12 يوصلك 2 !! عادي جدا ، الله يخليلي القهوة اللي جمب الاوتيل و شرف (صيق اردني تعرفت عليه بالصدفة البحتة) !!!
مش عارفة من وين بدي ابدا و عن شو لازم احكي ، خليني اقلكم عن حسن الضيافة المصرية بالاول:
هادا مرة رحنا انا و صاحبة مصرية (تعرفت عليها بالمغرب ) رحنا على الاسكنرية ، و التقينا هناك بحدا من اصحابها و عزمنا عالغدا و انبسطنا مع بعض كتير ، تاني يوم بوصلني تلفون من رقم غريب (انا نزلت رقم مصري) المهم ، كيفك دانا ؟ انا رانية مرت محمد اللي شفتيه امبارح ، ايوة تفضلي ؟؟ قالتلي محمد حكالي عنك كتير و قلت لازم اشوفك ، انا شاكنة جمت اوتيلك و اي وقت احكيني باخدك بطلعك !!!
انا مش مستوعبة لهلا انه رجعت حكيت معها و طلعنا و اخدتني عالمساجد و مجمع الديان ، جد رانية يسلموا ايديكي !!
في شب ، من اصحاب صاحبتي ، كنا انا و اياه صحبة و ما قصّر معي بالمرة، في مرة عصبت منه و صرخت عليه و بعدها ما رجع حكا او رد علّي !!!
يمكن ما كان لازم اصرخ و اعرف احكي برواء ، ياريتوا بقرأ بلوجي ، انا عنجد اسفة اذا غلطت بحقك
رح اتذكر كمان قصص و برجعلكم المرّة الجاي :)
it's an egyption band , i used to hear about them since i traveled last year to Egypt and listened to few of their songs , but when my friend ezz was here he sent me most of their songs and some of them aren't released since he's the band manager !
فكرت انه لحالي عندي هالمشكلة لأني عايشة برة الأردن ، بس طلع حتى اللي فالأردن نفسهم بعانوا منها ،ما بعرف لأي مدى ممكن تكون مشكلة وجود حدا بحياتي غير جنسيتي ، لما كنت بالجامعة و عايشة بعمّان كانت شلتنا و معارفي و قرايبي و محيطي كله فلسطينية و افكر انه لااا مستحيل اخذ واحد الا يكون فلسطيني.
بس لما اجيت على قطر و تعرفت على جنسيات تانية ، اكتشفت انه ممكن يكون لبناني ، سوري ، مصري , مغربي أو بالأبسط مش فلسطيني بس هات اللي يقتنع اذا رجعت فيه على عمّان في يوم من الايام . ما اسمع الف تعليق و الف كلمة و كيف تركتي اهلك و بلا بلا بلا
اكتر اشي بعجبني بالاجانب انهم فليكسيبل ، ما بهمهم الا الشخص و مين هو ، لا ابن ابصر مين ولا عايش بأي حارة ولا شو جنسيته.
و بقلك ليش العرب متخلفين !!!
يعطيكم العافية ...
You can't have everything....where would you put it all?
Mohammed Ezz my Egyptian friend (whom i met in morocco forum ) was very excited to come to qatar on April , me and him were counting the days on facebook , prepared myself and took a day of to tour him around Doha and couldnt wait till the day comes.
he's coming to give a session , more of a workshop to students aged 14-24 years old about Blogging as he's a blogger himself ,and how it might do a change in our life.
through my work , the charity and activities manager in VF sent me an email of a workshop happening in qatar this weekend and when i read the email it sounded familiar to me , i immediately checked the program that Ezz sent me and taraaaaaaa we are taking part for the same workshops but in different positions !!
what a lovely coincidence !! and a small world is it ?!
ezz welcome to Doha :) you can follow him on
A new hit in the Bollywood and Hollywood cinemes , the moive "My Name Is KHAN" ..
المهم امبارح ما كان في عندي اشي ، حملت حالي و رحت على جرير "ليست مجرد مكتبة" و مشيت بين هالكتب ، طبعا انا نفسي من زمان اقرا كتاب the alchimst و دايما بفتش عليه بفيرجن ميجا ستور ما بلاقيه ، المهم لاقيته امبارح و معه المجموعة الكاملة ، بس انا عندي منهم كتابين فبس اشيريت الكتاب لحاله , سعره 52 ريال يعني ما يعادل 10 دنانير اردنية ، والله سعره منيح مش عارفة ليش الناس ما بتقرأ !!!
المهم ضليتني ماشية بصف كتب الانجليوي ، لقيت في كتير كتب "الاكثر مبيعا" و شكلها انترستنغ تو رييد !! بس خفت اشتري اشي و اكسل اقراه بس قررت ارجعلهم ز
خلصت من قسم الانجليزي و قلت باخد جولة بالعربي ، ولا اشي معروف ولا في قائمة الاكثر مبيعا ولا حتى مرتبينهم حسب الكاتب كمان !!! والله عيب ، الواحد ببطل اله نفس يقرأ !!
لاحظت انه اسم أحلام مش موجود ابدا ، كنت عم بفتش على كتابها "نسيان.كوم" حدا من اصدقائي نصحني فيه ، علاجا لحالتي بس رحت سألت المسؤول عن الكتب هناك قاللي ما عنا احلام قلتله يعني خلصت ؟ قاللي لأ عمرنا ما جبنا كتب الها !!! صح غريب ؟؟
المهم نزلت عالكاشير و انا بحكي بعقلي "ليست مجرد مكتبة" !!! و انا كللي دهشة من اللي شفته جوا ...
My dear diary,
it's been a long time since i last complained or shouted !!
i miss alot of things in my life recently and i would like to tell you about.
Dear Diary,
I miss the feeling of attention , i miss the feeling of someone calling me while am with my friends and i whisper on the phone "am with my friends, i miss u and i'll call when am done" and when i hang up , they ask me "who is this ?? " i just smile ...
Dear Diary,
I miss the regular working hours and having regular desk and office , real weekends and come to the office on sunday with lot's of things to do , and dont know from where to start !!
Dear Diary,
I miss wearing FORMAL cloths and people telling me "you look really good today in this outfit" and be professional and have my own moments of beauty .
Dear Diary,
I miss them all , i miss the family concept for the 6 of us to be gathered again on one table not only in summer but also in any time of the year , i miss you my great brother and sisters !!
Dear Diary,
I miss the way my life used to be 2 years ago ,when i was satisfied with a weekend in Amman only and never ask for more days or planning trips to other countries all over the year !!
Dear Love ,
I miss you ...
كانت بتقول :
بحر كبير و انا صغير
ما بعرف شو بدو يصير
بحر كبير و موجو رماني
تحت الميي انا خلاني
شفت الصدف وين ما كان و السمك اشكال الوان
صدفة كبيرة ياللي شفتها ، قلبي ابصر شو صار في لما فتحتها
طلعت حبة لولو كبيرة و حواليها 100 حبة صغيرة
اخدت الصدفة لبيتي ، صدفة الاردني الكويتي
ابصر شو ابصر شو و سحب زيادة للأطفال
عرفتوها ؟؟
Took the visa , booked the ticket and flied to amman for my original destination at the begning , stayed there for 18 hours and in december 25th i flied off to Chicago ...
It all happened quickly and unpredictable , i had 3 weeks vacation (it was a must to finish them before the end of the year) i thought , Amman ? am getting bored of it and 3 weeks is way too much to handle !! hmm lets think , i called my friend in Palestine and begged her to come to Jordan she said also 3 weeks is too much but suggested the states - as my sister lives there - i laughed alot and said naaa visa issues tickets i cant afford all that and ready for it !!
Secretly and without anyone's knowledge i did it , applied online took the picture , bank account and booked for the interview in the embassy , it all happened within less than a week and Wednesday was the day , didn't want to wake up cause i thought it's hopeless for a single female to get the visa but my mom said yallah u have to go !!
i met a syrian lady in the embassy , she was soo excited unlike me - so sleepy and faithless - she was soo scared and wants to get the visa in any way since she wants to meet her future parents in-low , we made jokes and talked about everything , her number was before me and suddenly she came back smiling " ma 3atooni eyaha" and left ! i was thinking "and so am i " a couple of numbers came then mine .
quick and simple questions , my main reason to visit the states is for shopping as i mentioned and to visit my sister , the agent was so serious at the beginning but at the time i said shopping and touring around he smiled and went on asking me about my job and family :)
handed me the paper and said "Dana you can get your passport on sunday " !! i wasnt really sure if i got the visa or not but i felt that things went ok , i asked a friend he said "wallah tli3ti ashtar mini akeed akhadeteeha if there was no rejection letter" and so i did .
The very next moment all qatar knew i got the visa and flying to the states the week after , weird questions , and things to bring from there but i got really excited and just want to leave to the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA !!